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11/08/17 11:47 AM

#74250 RE: jsmoov #74249

Yes, the PeopleVine deal was about as shady as they come...

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kid biscuit

11/08/17 3:32 PM

#74257 RE: jsmoov #74249

You can't be serious, Sorkin and Gilman are the two main board members of the company with ACGX owning shares of the asset known publicly as "PeopleVine". Those shares are being managed by legal counsel and CFO of ACGX Attorney Paul Sorkin in the best interest of the entire class of investments of the company, both preferred and common shares as a fiduciary responsibility for ACGX, which his job title legally encompasses. I just don't see him as a person of integrity having already gained the trust of his many long term customers through years of quality control, excellent communications, feedback and great service would have a sudden change in ethics and risk his entire business life and license with the state bar. Will never happen. Paul Sorkin is not playing investors with three walnut shells with one over a gold nugget called PeopleVine. If you want to believe that then please sell me you're shares. I'm not upset at all, just trying to clear the dust of insinuations off the table :)