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11/08/17 9:58 AM

#58219 RE: The Big Lebowski #58218

The wall is topped with sprinkles... just needs some coffee or better yet some TEA!

ABVG, baby!


11/08/17 10:37 AM

#58229 RE: The Big Lebowski #58218

Let’s see how long it takes for it to come down. I’m betting months since Sodexo September.
Sodexo November.
Sodexo October - yay!
But then....SQUAT happened to the PPS.
Now let’s see what happens with Jawea, not much I’m betting.
Carnival? Who knows but won’t affect the PPS.
It will most likely be late as the past dictates the future and Janon can’t seem to keep to a schedule (just like all the other OTC CEO’s)
You could sprinkle some magic fairy dust on the wall that momma build and it won’t come down, walls don’t need to be big, they just need to be solid.
Janon comes up with a real game plan and we will remove the AON’s and stop replenishing the ask. Otherwise the converters can wait in line until we are done and gone.