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11/07/17 3:50 PM

#41913 RE: ignatiusrielly35 #41909

Saying mgt's numerous failures have no effect on the share price doesn't make it true, Iggy. No matter how many time you say it.

Numerous successes would have us trading far higher than $3 now. It is the failures that opened the door to the shorts.

If what mgt does has no effect, then there is no hope of ever raising this share price, as the shorts will always be with us.

So you are saying all longs are screwed for good. Whereas I am saying that mgt can change things by putting the company up for sale.

Sell this beech now, tony.
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Simple Steve

11/07/17 6:46 PM

#41951 RE: ignatiusrielly35 #41909

"Mgt includes the BOD. They failed to rein in DOC's RSU grabs."
Irrelevant. Nobody cares much except for the people here. Zero effect on the pps. -----So a CEO's unconventional and suspicious actions have no affect on sp? I'm pretty sure investors notice this sort of thing.

"Failed to get substantial deals done."
Old news. That is why DOC was fired, because he wanted to retain licensing rights. They are looking to monetize now. ------Old news? We're only talking 4 months. AND, notice that the sp has fallen over 50% in those 4 months. No question this was a least part of the reason for the fall.

"Failed to find something to make in a factory before building it."
You got me there. Although it does add value, it was premature. But not overly important, and certainly not a factor in the pps. -----Building a useless facility is not a factor in sp? Doing things that add no value to your company, and wastes money, has an affect on sp because investors question your company's strategies. You see it all the time with other companies. All the time.

"Failed to conduct proper investor relations and maintain a quality shareholder base instead of recruiting crooks."
You were crowing about Adage, T-Rowe, Broadfin, etc. So was everyone else. Hedge funds are shady. Can't blame management for their actions. They got the company funded and put it on the map. ----Wait a minute, aren't you the one who claims manipulation? And now you're siding with Adage etc?

"Failure to get doggie vax approved. Failure to get accelerated approval on ANYTHING despite great results."
Right, it's management's incompetence that has prevented approval. ADXS has zero control over the doggie vax. As for the human vaccines, sure, the FDA regulations and ridiculously slow processes are irrelevant. Good management could have had all of the indications approved by last year. lol. Please . . . ----Good management knows how to submit paperwork on time. Good management doesn't keep pushing the timeline back on things. Good management doesn't reward its employeed with options for doing nothing. And in today's world good management tends to its investors, because without investors this company is nothing. Can you name ONE thing Lombardo has done since becoming "interim" CEO?