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Gold Seeker

09/26/06 11:28 PM

#5397 RE: erthang #5396

Erthang: "Reverse you don't know what you are talking about. Common sense should tell you that Abbott has already confirmed the tech works. They are working toward integrating it into their architect system, then towards FDA approval for their system. You're saying that a company as large, dominant in the field of cancer diagnostics, with the resources and know how as Abbott, after more than a year and a half of working and learning the ins and outs of recaf, along with the option of returning the licensing agreement at any time, does not know whether or not the technology works! SHUT UP!!! You deserved to be slapped, or be wearing a dunce cap, as Bocxman would say!"

You are totally out of line. It has been a year and a half since the licensing and we should have heard something by now. I also think you have it backwards. Intergrating it into the mechanics of the architect system would no doubt be easy for Abbott. What they are more likely concerned with is getting reliable data that consistently eliminates false positives from the PSA tests. It is not a cut and dried test and that is a problem. It would explain why it was reported that they were in contact with Moro on an almost daily basis. If the test eliminates some false positives with the PSA tests, Abbott will proceed. If it just muddles the situation and provides confusing data that needs additional interpetation, they will return it. Abbott can look at it and experiment until late 2007. Then it starts to cost them more dollars even if nothing is proceeding.
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09/28/06 12:44 PM

#5429 RE: erthang #5396

Maybe I am wrong, I have been wrong many times before, but if you will look back 18 months on the board you will see that posters are saying the same thing now that they did then-MORE LICENSE AGREEMENTS COMMING! NEWS SHORTLY! But so far NOTHING. You have formulated in your mind that ABT is actually incorporating recaf into product. What exactly made you reach that determination?(1) Have you talked to ABT and they gave you inside info? (2) Did it come to you in a dream? (3) Did you look into a crystal ball? or (4) Do you just see and know all? Common sense will tell you that if ABT, being what they are, had after ther due dillegence, known that recaf worked as BOCX has claimed, would have wanted exclusive rights and would have paid a huge upfront payment. Common sense will also tell you that under a semi exclusive rights agreement, BOCX would have received additional offers had recaf been all that was claimed. Where exactly are these offers? All we get is hints from management of other interest but NOTHING. To me this seems to be an all or nothing crapshoot. I can understand your anger when someone says something that is not positive about this stock. If I had as much at risk as you I would not be able to sleep at night. Anyway, I admire your nerve. You are definitely not afraid of a gamble.