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11/07/17 11:47 AM

#3773 RE: Stingray #3772

"Old News" or not, it marks the start of a very destructive process.

Borrowing money certainly benefits the company. In that way they can continue their acquisition strategy.

Unfortunately, the company has seen fit to mortgage its future. And the current shareholders will have to pay the price.

Good for you, that you've been able to make some good trades. You must have bought this a while back when it was cheaper -- BEFORE they signaled massive dilution ahead.

Being a Canadian stock, their Authorized share count is UNLIMITED.

And that does not bother you?

Good Luck Trading! I wish I could join you but I am underwater for now.


11/07/17 3:20 PM

#3777 RE: Stingray #3772

All the Licensed Producers have all had tremendous runs and now it is time for the CBD, THC Product lines to do the same.

Its going to be $ISOLF turn very soon, I feel sorry for Investors who lost their patience and sold but as Warren Buffett has state in the Past, "The stock market is an instrument to pass money from the impatient to the patient.

We will see another run before the end of the year on $ISOLF IMHO.

Here's the website for those of you who have never seen their products.