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11/05/17 10:36 AM

#148107 RE: bigboard #148105

THEY won't talk to shareholders because they are in talks with Telsa! WHO has been lowering THE PPS for BUYOUT!


11/05/17 10:44 AM

#148111 RE: bigboard #148105

It's China. Different Culture

Sun Tzu:

Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.

- - - - - -

The plan is Nasdaq.

The plan will happen.


11/05/17 11:08 AM

#148123 RE: bigboard #148105

Never reached .16 and never saw .04!
People need to understand if you are investing too much money in this arena your decisions become too emotionally driven!


11/05/17 11:08 AM

#148124 RE: bigboard #148105

I understand your point here, as many do.....

BUT, hear me out.
This is NOT a communication failure, on the companies behalf.
You have to understand one thing and one thing only, this is NOT about us, the shareholders, who are lurking in the murky waters of the OTC. The "Basement"... it's just not. FACT.

They have a much bigger plan, that WILL involve us, eventually, when it's time. For now, the company is building their base, their foundation to what is to come "Publicly", on their clock. I truly believe we stumbled across this conglomerate WAY before it was expected to be "seen". WE caught them off guard, in the middle of THEIR plans which are in fact in process, and moving along.

Keep in mind, as much as anyone wants to turn their head on this fact, NASDAQ is their goal, plain and simple. Not the OTC, not it's shareholders, not blabbing weekly in some pump like PR assuring their support is kept at a specific pps, their not concerned with charts and volume, and surely not concerned about how we perceive them as functional communicators. They.....Don' If you haven't noticed, we have had a ton of communication from the company in the way of filings, shareholder letter, the bringing of current, the Wyoming merger docs, and everything else the system requires to properly move forward, with THEIR plans. Moving along!!! We should be very content with what has been made public, as it truly solidifies the authenticity of this company and its intentions on bringing this fully public and to the world. Which is happening, weekly.

I know everyone wants their "millions/riches", is sick watching the ups and downs, their net asset worth climb and crumble, but it is what it is. This is not a "Trade", but an investment, which is rare here in this playground. Yes, some will flip a bit, recover initial investment, pull a few profs off, which is expected. Some are shorting and manipulating, but that is also expected while we are in this quiet period, just fact. This is when the stocks are most vulnerable to these types of actions, and its out of our control. NOR does Wang care, as stated, as it does not effect his plans, his long term plans for Jinbo's baby, ZJMY.

This is playing out exactly as it should, and all should be blessed you have found this company, have had the time to invest what you are able to, have the most diligent DD monsters doing work for you, and a financial genius like Wang Jinlai behind this on the wheel. We still have a bit unknown here which is fine, but what we DO know is bigger than any of us. And will get bigger, also FACT.

I also believe we may stay quiet a bit longer while the back end comes to fruition, which it IS. Open your eyes folks, this is huge and a once in a lifetime play, regardless of how some perceive it. I will continue to stay confident, watch the plans come together bit by bit, and surely be here, holding my shares, when Wang launches this company into the air, HIS WAY.

I wouldn't miss it for the world. Period. Who in their right mind would?

It's happening folks, and NO, not on your timeline, deal with it.
WANG doesn't give a flying F who is cranky, and who is backing him. When he gets to where he is going, you better hope to god you held on tight enough to make it there with him. FACT.



*** All posts are IMO, and not to be taken as trading advice. Never invest more in the market than you have to lose. ***