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11/04/17 12:03 PM

#237575 RE: greens12 #237573

The Sessions story, although a very intriguing piece of the saga, is a non issue as it relates to the push for MJ legalization. The AG merely enforces the law of the land. It's Congress (House/Senate) that makes the law. Whether Sessions gets ousted or not is irrelevant in this political climate. It's common knowledge that the current administration is hellbent on appointing unqualified people in positions to undermine the process. A removal of Sessions only means the possibility of getting someone even more radical.

The consensus amongst level headed thinkers in Congress (Republicans & Democrats) is Sessions needs to remain in place to prevent the administration from plunging the country into a Constitutional Crisis. Meaning...the whole point of POTUS anger towards Sessions is to install an AG that will shut down Muellers criminal investigation. I mean let's be honest. Sessions is under fire because he is part of the collusion between the Trumpers and Russia. It's not "A Ruse" as one propaganda news channel has drilled into weak and/or gullible minds. How is it that only one "news" channel amongst any other, including global news outlets, reports the complete opposite of known facts? A fair and balanced understanding of anything requires one to seek multiple sources to shape their opinion/understanding of an issue.

None of what's unfolding has anything to do with MJ legalization. Other than the fact the Russia issue has taken all the oxygen out of the room. Nothing can or will get done in Congress until justice is served (Mueller Investigation/Congress Impeachment). The MJ issue will remain at the State and Local level until this whole debacle is sorted out. The best anyone can hope for at this point is a changing of the guard during the mid-term elections (2018). Otherwise, you can expect nothing to change until impeachment and/or changing of the gaurd (Congressional races) during the mid-term elections (2018). Beyond that, 2020...if were not at war with N. Korea, which brings China and Russia into the equation. World War III.

It's time to wake up folks...
