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11/02/17 12:00 PM

#31093 RE: Samsa #31090

Yep I cant argue with any of the points you raise Samsa. New CFO Patience has done nothing on the market side of the equation 2+ months into his IPCI tenure that would give us any reason for fresh optimism.

And although it's only been a couple of months after the CFO Della Penna tenure disaster we continue to see nothing that would support all the glowing stuff in his Press Release announcement about how he supposedly specializes in rebuilding/restoring lost investor confidence right!

So was he tricked into accepting the CFO position by Dr. Odidi only for Odidi to keep him from getting out there and doing a complete revamp on how IPCI's story continues to get presented to market?

I honestly don't know that answer...but why the hell would they put all that stuff in the PR announcing him as new CFO if he wasn't going to do 1 damn thing to begin restoring/rebuilding the lost investor confidence in this stock?

We continue to get no PR's from this company giving the market a single clue on how they are attempting to progress their across the board stagnant pipeline, no live interviews of the CFO or CEO, no write ups from bloggers or journalists who have interviewed new CFO Patience or CEO Odidi, no fresh visibility of any relevance whatsoever. So just over +2 months into the new CFO's tenure he appears to be just another Odidi puppet like CFO Della Penna was.

And what's most disappointing for me about IPCI right now is how they all appear to have their collective heads up their butts instead of getting up off the ground, dusting themselves off and fighting to garner recognition on the street!

How the hell can Dr. Odidi continue to be so blind as to what a disaster he's turned IPCI into by his ongoing insistence on not completely revamping how IPCI's ongoing story is even presented to market?

It's not like his own core shareholder base doesn't have a plethora of questions we've been asking for answers on!

Just disgusting how negative this company and stock continues to become all because Dr. Odidi is so completely clueless as to how to present IPCI's story to market and secure relevant deals with much bigger partners far better equipped than he is to unlock the value of his science sigh!