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11/02/17 12:05 PM

#1166 RE: terry hallinan #1165

Still defending criminal enterprise INSY and its scamster officers/directors/founders?

how is that working out?

What A Crock!

Insys posts bigger loss amid bribery probe of founder

The purported probe is a pieced together condemnation of a superb entrepreneur in biotech against enormous obstacles. The tale has the earmarks of tabloid sensationalism despite quite legitimate prosecutions of key employees and confederates.

Such trash would probably never get to the indictment stage without the massive histrionics by publicity seekers and ambulance chasers.

How many have heard INSY is seeking FDA approval of a drug that might save innumerable lives from withdrawal symptoms of opioids? What are the chances the FDA will act promptly and positively?

- Zero is my estimate. In my opinion your government's lack of prompt action has already been costly in keeping up the terrible charade at the cost of lives.

I doubt any souls have been saved either but then lives and truthfulness rather than soul-saving is my heathen interest.


Best, Terry