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Replies to post #603 on keyotee

Replies to #603 on keyotee


11/02/17 7:51 PM

#604 RE: learning curve #603

You are a good family man and A good person. I am sorry for your struggles with pay cuts, I am sure that is difficult with a family. Do not lose hope. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and he will respond. I will remember your family in prayer and pray for a blessing on you and your family. I admire your attitude toward improving yourself, it will work out for you in the long run. Never give up, he will make a way where there seems to be no way. A door will open soon and you will pass through to a better future. I know his power, as I was a minister at one point in life. Do not be afraid to call out to him. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the one true GOD , The Great I AM. Things are busy with my family also and I am not spending much time here or on social media at the present time. I really cared for DS, we had some long conversations about his life and The Lord. When you talk to him tell him I wish him and his well and asked about him. Take care, never give up never quit.