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VH Gambler

10/30/17 3:52 PM

#33241 RE: sir90 #33238

Yep, one thing very obvious in the press release is the use of "possibility" verbs and adverbs when referencing actionable objectives concerning completion of audited financial information.
Instead of "will be", "would be" is used. In the one case where a positive action "will" verb is used, the use was preceded by long and rambling conditional that included a "were" which indicates a termination of effort.

Now, after all that, I sincerely hope you don't hold your breath while waiting on any of the "promises" to come true.

I suspect what will determine how soon the financials are completed will totally depend on how big a fish they can reel in, if at all.

Foxwoods Man

10/31/17 7:39 AM

#33246 RE: sir90 #33238

Yup...we all read it but it doesn't answer my question

I asked just what do they do in regards to operations? What makes them a potentially good investment if/when they get their crap together.?

They don't profit from filing (or not filing) financial do they do for cash in the USA?

I will provide the obvious answer since I can find nothing that proves otherwise ....they actually have no profitable operations in the USA.

Please feel free to provide evidence of the opposite. No beliefs, no links to 2012 websites. What do they do NOW?