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09/26/06 10:42 AM

#97268 RE: DaFloorGuy #97225

Good points!


09/26/06 10:52 AM

#97291 RE: DaFloorGuy #97225

I've had all those same thoughts. I have made a conclusion. It may be incorrect if I am missing something. I don't see how, however, but I am only giving out the information I know I have. Any one of you can call and do the same. I just sold my shares. I hope I don't regret it. I did it based on speaking to 3 different KPMG people in three different major offices. I was told that KPMG did some work (they did not say audit) for Sulja Brothers before they were a public company about 3 years ago, but if they were claiming that any office of KPMG was doing work for them now, then that was erroneous information. They were very clear on this that the last time KPMG did work for Sulja Brothers was 3 years ago. They said even offices in Dubai or Egypt or wherever would show up in their databases. These were not receptionists. I went through several departments to make sure I had someone in authority. They all said they have been getting several calls, so I'm sure others have the same information.

Based on this, I sold. Like you said, if it's a scam, it has been handled with complete ineptness, however, if you go back and try and verify anything they have claimed from the beginning in terms of money earned or contracts or deals -- I cannot verify one thing. The public relations site looks like a high school student put it together and listed all the email addresses they thought would look impressive. I've tried to speak to them on several occasions and can never get through. I've called their two canadian places of business and got employees on the line only to be told that they don't have anything to do with that stock stuff and that I'd have to call Marquee.

Like I said, I'm not a trader or an experienced stock investigator, but I'm not an idiot either. My common sense tells me something is not right here, so I sold. I bought at nearly 8 cents, so I got out okay but didn't make much. Sure wish I had bought below a penny like many did.

Do your own checking and don't make a decision based on my thoughts. I'm posting this because I'm just irritated that people get away with this kind of thing -- if that is what has happened. For several days I have been exploring every angle I can to get around the KPMG claim and I cannot. I've been excusing lots of red flags because I really needed to have a big winner after getting taken once already on a stock, but I can't anymore. These are just my 2 cents for what they're worth.

I remain,