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10/29/17 12:55 AM

#104570 RE: Juice555 #104569

100% true. This has been done over and over again. Sadly people will see "her " post and get suckered in


10/29/17 1:18 AM

#104571 RE: Juice555 #104569

The continuation of this game is when they give shares to "a buddies" company when they acquire them. Next they use VPOR shareholders to fund any new R&D that acquired company needs. The new acquired company finishes their product, and leaves the bill to we the VPOR shareholders.

In reference: It is like asking a hot chick out to dinner with $100,000 in your pocket... and making her pay for dinner... (ya, it is that bad....)

I am well invested, I am not a basher, I am just reporting what we know