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10/30/17 4:59 PM

#125964 RE: cudda7 #125963

Brian Sorrentino is an unethical business man, in my opinion. He gutted my company, World Wide Forest Products and transferred the assets to his company, SyndicationNet. He left many stockholders holding worthless stock, many lost tens of thousands of dollars or more. This happened in Mississippi. Do NOT have any dealings with this guy.

"Brian Sorrentino ... gutted my company"

"Brian Sorrentino is an unethical business man..."
archived from hotstocked:

David Wise

Posted: Wed Aug 25 Post subject: Brian Sorrentino


Brian Sorrentino is an unethical business man, in my opinion. He gutted my company, World Wide Forest Products and transferred the assets to his company, SyndicationNet. He left many stockholders holding worthless stock, many lost tens of thousands of dollars or more. This happened in Mississippi. Do NOT have any dealings with this guy.


10/30/17 5:05 PM

#125965 RE: cudda7 #125963





10/30/17 5:07 PM

#125966 RE: cudda7 #125963

Look at what a POS CEO is

Go Here to see CEO's RECORD


CEO Brian Sorrentino has a record:


10/30/17 5:12 PM

#125967 RE: cudda7 #125963



10/30/17 6:11 PM

#125968 RE: cudda7 #125963

Two Men Attacked Near Bar
Man Held
November 7, 1985|By David Enscoe, Staff Writer
A Boca Raton real estate salesman was charged with beating two men with a metal fence post Wednesday after an argument outside a Boca Raton lounge.

Brian Lee Sorrentino [Now our GREAT CEO OF SYNJ], 28, of the 400 block of Northeast Third Street, was charged with two counts of aggravated battery and held in the County Jail on $3,000 bail, police said.

Injured in the attack were Gregory Hess, 31, a certified public accountant from Lake Worth, and Eric Silvertson, 35, the marketing director at a St. Paul, Minn., medical center.

Silvertson said in an interview that he and Hess were in a lounge on the 500 block of East Palmetto Park Road when Sorrentino made a pass at his date.

``He made a crude comment,`` Silvertson said, adding that he and Hess argued briefly with Sorrentino in the bar, and later, in the parking lot.

``The guy left, and I thought it was over and done with,`` he said. ``Greg and I were discussing whether to drive or take a cab when all of a sudden this guy comes charging across the street with a pipe in his hand. It was startling.``

The victims told police they tried to take the fence post away from the suspect, but instead were struck repeatedly on the arms, legs, and bodies. Hess and Silvertson then fled, with the suspect in pursuit, said Boca Raton police officer Terry Walters.

During the chase, a police officer on patrol saw the suspect strike Hess with the fencepost, Walters said. He arrested Sorrentino without incident, Walters said.


10/30/17 6:22 PM

#125969 RE: cudda7 #125963

"I worked with Brian for 3 years."--Kathy Oliveto

Kathy Oliveto

Posted: Thu Oct 15 Post subject: Brian Sorrentino


I worked with Brian for 3 years. Brian gave me a contract that stated I was his partner and 10% owner which I signed. I worked 24/7 driving from Columbia to the DC unit several days a week. With no compensation for gas or wear and tear on my car. I paid for all the DC employees to become licensed in DC with my own money with no compensation. I worked 7 days a week and held my paycheck due to lack of funds in the payroll account. When I did mention to Brian that I needed money to pay my own bills -Brian would say think of it as my 401 -- when I would insist on my money Brian would yell and scream then change the subject. Brian never thought twice about taking my $5,000 to become this so called partner. To me $5,000 is a lot of money.
Well- let me tell you Brian left me with all the bills to pay when he decided to sell and take the money and run with it.I am to this day being forced to pay bills for the unit that Brian should of paid long ago. Brian owed me money that I worked for and Brian also owed other employees money.
I can not explain in this little bit of space all that happened when I danced with this devil....
I have been arrested due to business licenses that were not renewed due to Brian's neglect I have had my checking account garnished due to Brian not covering the bills for the units.
To see that Brian is carry on as though he is this honest, trustworthy business man is down right sick.......
BEWARE - I would be glad to swear on a bible that what I am saying is true.
Sadly Brian has a tendency to take advantage of people that have really no extra money to take him to court to get the money owed.
I learned my lesson .. Please BEWARE...

Archived from Hotstocked


10/30/17 6:26 PM

#125970 RE: cudda7 #125963

Hilarious story regarding SYNJ CEO

from another ihub poster year 2009:

Basically at the time I called brian and left a message saying how I was a large share holder and unhappy with the quality of their website, etc. He called back left a message, in short, calling me a stupid mother f#@ker for buying al those shares and said some more stuff.

I then called him back and he immediately asked if I was one of those IHUB assholes. I told him I was and we basically had a verbal sparring of sorts. I then let him know how ignorant he was to have left his first message on my voicemail. What kind of a CEO tells his shareholder their a dumb mother F@#cker? I then hung up.

A few minutes later brian calls up leaves another message trying to rectify our little dispute. The only reason he called back is because he was worried about me having him on recording. His whole attitude changed when he realized he screwed up. When I talked to him it was about midnight east coast time and he definitely sounded intoxicated. I still held my stock until '0016 and .0017, but thankfully got out just in the nick of time.

I have the messages on my blackberry. Is there a way to pull those off my phone and onto youtube? If nothing more it is pretty funny to hear the douche spout off and tell me how stupid I am for investing in SYNJ. I guess he was right afterall.


10/30/17 6:31 PM

#125971 RE: cudda7 #125963

Remember, The Con Man always has an angle. He will talk fast and over you. He is constantly trying to buy his way out of trouble. When caught, He blames the Victim. His failures are not his fault. The Con Man CEO will laugh and call his shareholder DUMBMOTHER f#@K. Sometimes his games gets him SLAPPED SLAPPED. The Con Man CEO will often post on chat boards under assumed names. He is generally a lonely, miserable person reading chat boards, hoping to convince others that if they buy into his worthless stock they will get a 2% divi. The Con Man CEO will tell you that just as soon as they fix the leak in the roof he will sign the lease, order the Denamis, and everyone will be millionaires. The Con Man CEO will have federal tax lien after federal tax lien. He will generally be a defendant in many civil suits. He will most likely be divorced, as that was his first Con. He could be divorced or married many times over....The CEO Con Man lacks empathy and that is why it is so easy for him to do what he does. I could go on and on but the point is Once a Con Man, always a Con Man. Do you think our GREATEST CEO EVER, BRIAN SORRENTINO, is one of those?


10/30/17 6:54 PM

#125973 RE: cudda7 #125963

Brian is a pipe-weilding, telephone pole salesman and an ex-hair salon, back machine, biofuel magnate, internet sleuthing, open source software day trayder extraordinaire ... it is what it is...