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10/28/17 3:00 AM

#122457 RE: nisse44 #122412

Nisse; Yes(ish), TRW is what first attracted me to SIAF, although I haven’t given up on SJAP or HU yet ;-) And with some luck CA might be more valuable than TRW so i would very much want to stick around post TRW ex date! My dream scenario is that SIAF hits us with PRs that takes us to the old all time high, me selling maybe 20% of my shares, SIAF giving news of cash dividends (quarterly or preferably monthly) and stock dividend (CA) to support the PPS, me keeping the other 80% of my SIAF-shares for years and years to come.

What is the point of distributing a whole chunk of TRW to shareholders. I just do not see a point in that? I guess you want you money back that you have lost but why do you want to have the whole think at ones. You did say that SIAF will have to have support after it. I guess you have bought your SIAF to get TRW shares, correct? What will happen after you get them? What is your plan?

The point in giving a chunk of TRW to shareholders is that this is the whole purpose of the COSO and what has been promised. Not following through on it may be devastating to the PPS – even if they choose to do cash dividends instead. How do you think the accusations of fraud and scam will be if they swap TRW-shares dividends with a cash dividend? Now, I didn’t say that I would prefer the whole thing at once, quite the opposite, but your wish (which RD also suggested several weeks ago) is not going to happen - SIAF has already said that they are not allowed to do so (which, as I said, I find strange).

My plan? Well, I’m not on the BOD, but as RD has said over and over again, we need a regular cash dividend (I would strongly prefer a monthly dividend over a quarterly). Also, the rumours say that CA might uplist before TRW, hence we might not be very far away from a stock dividend in CA. If SIAF performs to its promise of the TRW-shares, follows up with cash dividends and buybacks – AND also doubles down on an upcoming CA-dividend, then who would want/dare to sell their SIAF-shares?

When it’s time for the CA-dividend then maybe SIAF will do that different (although they have said that they are not allowed to). That would be ideal – they would have proven themselves beyond any doubt and (if allowed by SEC) could do monthly CA-shares dividend for a year or two (or whatever). If backed up with cash dividends then they could also go back to the delays, people wouldn’t care to much anymore.

Of course there is a risk, SIAF and Solly doesn't control TRW anymore. Maybe they just want to be a private company after the loan is in place for like say 5 years. then your TRW shares will be locked in for 5 years. Will you be happy with that? Anything can happen is this company and it has so far. It will not just stop. The reason the share is trading low now is just that. unceratinty, no trust. But some here defent the share, and the leader they hate For no reason except it feels better to hope than to realize you've failed

SIAF doesn’t control TRW now… And, as I said; SIAFs interest in this case should be aligned with the current shareholders. So I doubt there will be much difference between SIAFs current 36.6% ownership in TRW and its 18.3% + its current shareholders 18.3%. Many shareholders are unhappy with having to wait til 2020 to be able to trade the TRW-shares. I’m not too worried since the value of those shares will probably be WAY higher in 2020 than what they would be today. If TRW is able/willing to do a cash dividend during those 2-3 years I would be very happy to wait til the listing in HK :-) Maybe not happy for an additional 2 years, but I still don’t see why the partners would want to have TRW as a private company and – more important – I don’t believe there is much of a difference between SIAFs voting power now and after the ex date.

Yes, uncertainty is one of the main reasons why the PPS is so low. And SIAF has very little trust – the main reason to why they actually have to follow trough and give that 18.3% of TRW-shares as a dividend.

They do not need cash. All growing companies need cash. SIAF is no charity.

TRW don’t need cash? For the growth story they do – are you implying that the partners doesn’t want to speed up the megafarm? Of course they might be thinking differently than I do, but they have after all paid part of AF5 to SIAF already (the licenses).

No siaf doesn't want a higher value of TRW. They wanted a low value so they could get more shares but my theory is that they also thought a high value would give the share price a boost, and that was wrong. So they "lost" tha battle and just for 12% extra instead of more.

I don’t think I follow you; SIAF wanted both a low and high valuation for TRW and lost the battle? I haven’t followed SIAF long enough to know whether the 36.6% deal was a good one or not, but I know that RD was satisfied with it, so I’ll let the two of you decide ;-) Not sure why it is a topic though, it is «spilled milk» (water beneath the bridge?) now anyways.

Question is which companies or persons own the 63.6% of TRW?

I can only refer you to the link TS provided about the filing. Not sure if it answers your question though (i.e who is behind those names)