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10/27/17 11:22 AM

#25227 RE: Lab Tested #25219

The leading applications for our Water-to-Water technologies include:

Communities with inadequate or no access to a fresh water source or reliable energy source, but close to a significant supply of seawater or polluted water
Corporations looking for energy-efficient technology to clean and potentially reuse waste water
Cities or regional governments restoring rivers, lakes and harbors

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10/27/17 2:07 PM

#25362 RE: Lab Tested #25219

Great article on the price of water and the environmental effect of over reliance on groundwater. RAKR Air to Water tech again shows its necessity.

The environmental concerns over desalination, the process of converting ocean water into fresh water, are that the ecological price is high. Besides, the traditional ways of solving water-shortage problems, diverting water from rivers and pumping groundwater to increase supply, have their own environmental consequences.