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10/26/17 12:49 AM

#9718 RE: erwin1 #9700

Erwin1 when you make claims that this companys product is a scam that will ultimately hurt everyone you should back it up. My guess is that you didnt because you cant. It is irresponsible to make false claims that could hurt a company and their shareholders unless of course you are one of the day traders shorting or intentionally trying to manipulate the stock.

On this board we verify EVERYTHING especially outrageous and claims that the company or its products are a "scam' with serious detriment to the population as in the case of the "super-bug" or antibiotic resistant bacteria. This board is about sharing experience and due diligence. We dont guess or or spread conspiracies.

Case in point, antibiotics only kill bacteria. Silver kills all microbes so how could all microbes develop a resistance to something that has the "keys" to how bacteria, viruses and fungi function? This was the question I asked myself and a good friend that does research with the CDC and one of the few companies left that are still investing in new antibiotic research. I asked him to put something brief together and to site references. The following is part of the e-mail he sent me (I apologize for the length but hes a scientist and this their version of short and sweet I guess):

The antibiotic penicillin works by keeping a bacterium from building a cell wall. Bacteria and human cells also differ in the structure of their cell membranes and the machinery they use to build proteins or copy DNA. Some antibiotics dissolve the membrane of just bacterial cells. Others affect protein-building or DNA-copying machinery that is specific to bacteria.

Different families of antibiotics have different ways of killing bacteria. Below are descriptions of a few types of antibiotics and their mechanisms of action.

Beta-lactam antibiotics kill bacteria that are surrounded by a cell wall. Bacteria build cell walls by linking molecules together—beta-lactams block this process. Without support from a cell wall, pressure inside the cell becomes too much and the membrane bursts. Examples of beta-lactams include penicillin and cephalosporin, which are used to treat many types of bacterial infections.

Antibiotics in the macrolide group affect ribosomes, the cell’s protein-building machines. Ribosomes build proteins in both bacteria and human cells, but there are differences between bacterial and human ribosomes. Macrolides block only bacterial ribosomes and prevent them from building proteins. Since proteins do all the cell’s work, a bacterium that cannot build proteins cannot survive. Erythromycin, which is commonly used to treat respiratory tract and skin infections, is a macrolide.

Quinolones include antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin, which are used to treat infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. When bacteria begin to copy their DNA, quinolones cause the strands to break and then prevent the breaks from being repaired. Without intact DNA, bacteria cannot live or reproduce

Antibiotic Resistance
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is well-known example of a so-called superbug, as is vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE). Some strains of gonorrhea have developed resistance to multiple drugs, and some types of tuberculosis have also developed resistance to multiple drug therapies (isoniazid and rifampicin).

According to Lucian Lucia, associate professor of chemistry at North Carolina State University, and chemist George John of City College of New York, bacteria cannot build up a resistance to silver nanoparticles as they can to antibiotics, because of the way the silver nanoparticle attacks — destroying the structure of the cells and killing them. Antibiotics, on the other hand, suppress the activity of bacteria but don’t necessarily kill them. “That’s the beauty of silver,” Lucia says. “There’s no way to develop a serious resistance to it.”

Writing in the journal BioMetals in 1998, in a study titled “Multiple Parameters for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Escherichia coli to the Silver Ion,” researchers G. Zhao, and S.E. Stevens stated: “With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, silver is re-emerging as a modern medicine because pathogenic organisms have generally failed to develop an immunity to it (i.e., the silver ion).”

According to researcher AB Lansdown, writing in the Journal of Wound Care, April 2002: “Silver products have two key advantages: they are broad-spectrum antibiotics and are not yet associated with any significant drug resistance.”

According to researcher A. Dwight Webster, writing in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, in a study titled “Silver Anode Treatment of Chronic Osteomyelitis”: "The silver cation is known to have an exceptionally broad spectrum involving gram-positive, gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms… resistance to silver ions is rare."

According to Herbert Slavin, M.D., founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, Lauderhill, Florida: “Reports of any pathogens developing resistance to ionic silver are rare. Some reports indicate it even kills drug-resistant strains of germs. Ionic silver is also a powerful tissue-healing agent, so much so that it has been used topically for decades in burn centers and currently represents one of the fastest growing sectors – if not the fastest growing sector – in wound care today.”

And according to Steve Thomas, PhD, Director Surgical Materials Testing Laboratory Bridgend, Wales, UK, in an article titled, “MRSA and the use of silver dressings: overcoming bacterial resistance”: “Although some bacteria can develop resistance to silver, this is not regarded as a serious problem as available evidence suggests that most preparations capable of delivering sustained silver-ion release are effective against MRSA and VRE, and as yet no resistant strains have been encountered clinically.

It follows, therefore, that any silver-containing dressing that shows acceptable levels of activity against a range of non-resistant bacterial species should show comparable activity against antibiotic-resistant strains of the same organism.”

As stated by silver researcher S.M. Foran, writing in Therapeutic Properties of Silver: an Historical and Technical Review: "Another benefit to using silver is that it does not appear to create the same amount of resistance in bacteria as traditional antibiotics.

Ian Chopra, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Leeds, reported in a 2007 article in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy that there are fewer than twenty published reports of silver resistance in bacteria. Professor Chopra went on to indicate that 'current evidence suggests the clinical threat [due to silver resistance] is low' because of the 'multifaceted mode of action of the silver ion.'’

Silver’s Multi-Faceted Mode of Action

You see, unlike antibiotic drugs which generally kill pathogens through a single course of action, silver works in a multi-faceted manner, attacking infectious microorganisms from many different angles.

Therefore, it is very difficult and extremely rare for pathogens to become “resistant” to silver.

Generally speaking, if one facet of silver’s antimicrobial arsenal fails to work on a specific pathogen, another facet will do the job handily.

Infectious disease specialist Dr. David Weber agrees, arguing that the use of silver in commercial products poses very little danger of creating silver-resistant microbes, due to silver’s multiple modes of operation.

As reported in the Los Angeles Times, in August of 2008: “…Dr. David Weber, an infectious disease and public health expert at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, isn't convinced that silver resistance will prove much of a problem. Resistance to antibiotics occurs quite readily in bacteria once prolonged exposure to, say, penicillin, occurs. But there's little reason to suppose that resistance to silver would develop so easily, he says.

An antibiotic like penicillin works by hitting a bacterium in a limited fashion, at specific sites. Because the killing is done precisely, the bacterium has a good chance of developing a mutation that would confer resistance.

In contrast, silver kills microbes in a broad, unspecific fashion -- like tossing a bomb at a bacterium. It hits many essential points such as a bacterium's entire respiratory system. This makes it much more difficult for silver-resistance to develop.

And even if tolerance did develop, Weber says, increasing the dose of silver the bacterium is exposed to will solve the problem in most cases.”

In short, microbes simply don’t grow resistant to silver anywhere near as easily as they do to synthetic antibiotic drugs, thanks in large part to silver’s broad spectrum of action.

And even if a microbe does grow resistant to silver, increasing the dosage tends to take care of the problem!

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