If one has been following along, it seems like Peregrine has had the unethical but possibly strategic trial design of creating the opportunity to capture Biomarker data from patients that can be used as leverage in merger / acquisition talks or licensing, all while short changing (atleast for the short term) shareholders at this moment....
Things can change quickly though, especially with Biomarker companies Epiontis and Precision For Medicine both working with Peregrine and you will have to review the prior posts chained from this post to see how this has played out.
Was the 1st interim look designed, knowing the tail curve would not be extended MOS wise yet....especially with control arm patients possibly knowing in some way they were not Bavi arm patients and decided to jump to newly FDA approved IO SOC (which skews the Peregrine Sunrise trial arm and one reason why the FDA system is BROKEN.
Why did Precision For Medicine buyout (Oct 4, 2017 ) Epiontis ?
Why did Bird&Bird advise PFM to do the buying...?
How does Precision Medicine Group (the parent company of Precision For Medicine and Epiontis now) land major new investment of about $300M for expansion of BIOMARKERS platform (Dec 19, 2017)
Amazing, Precision For Medicine announces next generation Biomarker Management (Jan 8, 2018)
.....so again, I ask.....a strategic move by Peregrine would be great to have been in this mix of how it is playing out but....BUT...if.. IF and a big IF this is some distraction to try and fool investors, not many were fooled because certified letters are clearly in far in advance and PMG seen something magical in the Biomarker data as they were working with Sunrise phase III with Peregrine and we have been told already about MOS improvement for those Bavi patients in Sunrise that went into other FDA SOC after the (staged halt that is....and as said, possibly very strategic of Peregrine) and a jury would NOT buy any such stories the new BODs may come up with ....IF a breadcrumbs deal is in play.
.... Now he works for PMG along with Tobias Guennel...etc
Does everyone see the light? I hope so...because there is no way all these control arm issues occur and Peregrine playing musical chairs with Ronin Hedge Group it seems and do they even dare try a breadcrumbs deal ? I certainly hope not...because I see the light clearly
Berkeley Lights even and John R. Gunn 30 years at Memorial Sloan Kettering ?? We can't make this up ...of course Mr. Gunn has got to talk with Dr Jedd Wolchok.....one would assume.
_______________________________ This gets better ...it truly does, I mean wouldn't it be icing on the cake to have Sean Parker in the mix....
And again, would Pergrine / Avid Bioservices BODs dare try to dismiss they had no clue what the old BOD were up to with this ...and I always like to save the best for last and that would have to wait, in case a breadcrumbed deal ever was attempted.
Get those certified letters in and fast because the certified letters are proactive measures as we do not want to wait till after the ASM because a breadcrumb deal was always possible as you seen what the Medarex BODs rewarded their shareholders with? No competitive bids were seeked at all as confirmed by Goldman Sachs