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10/25/17 12:09 AM

#40185 RE: Simple Steve #40164

Simple - Yesterday, early evening, I sent to email to Noelle...( Noelle Heber | Corporate Communications | Sr. Director | ADVAXIS INC. | Direct: (609) 250-7575 | Mobile: (609) 751-8104 |

My question was: "It was mentioned we have several parties interested in collaborating on the AXAL franchise. Can you share if it is only for EU or both EU and USA? Any estimate as to timing?"

her reply was: "This partnership is being aggressively pursued, and all options for this franchise are open to exploration."

IMHO, because we are AGGRESSIVELY pursuing a partner and that ALL options are open on the AXAL franchise, the shorts are desperately attempting to cover and are using all means (both legal or illegal) possible to accomplish said task. I personally think, the shorts think we are days away from hearing anything and thus they couldn't keep the shares price movement under 10%. I expect the same desperation will continue until news comes out. Let's just hope there is a deal and it comes soon and it is worthy of a significant pop up and that it holds.

She also said "I can tell you that there is no news that is driving the drop in the stock price."...I will add that I do believe there is news dropping the share price and the news is we are AGGRESSIVELY pursuing a partner...this news has the shorts pulling out all stops to cover.

Makes you wonder if management didn't hint at a partner and waited until a partner was onboard if we would have seen this drop or would we have seen instead a massive short squeeze to all time high prices.

Disclosure - I was actually in favor of them stating they are seeking a partner. I like full disclosure. I also would like to see the fingers chopped off on those guilty of the manipulation.