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10/23/17 10:14 PM

#274117 RE: F6 #274109

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

"Innocence of Muslims Full Video 2015 [sic - 2012]"

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

Mark Basseley Youssef, formerly known as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (born 1957), is an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian, a U.S. resident who is a
writer, producer and promoter of Innocence of Muslims, an anti-Islamic video that is perceived by many to denigrate Islam's prophet, Muhammad.


In August 2013, Nakoula was released from prison to serve his remaining sentence in a halfway house, and then to be on probation for the next
four years. On 26 September 2013, he was released from the halfway house to the custody of Pastor Wiley Drake of First Southern Baptist Church
in Buena Park, California. As of November 2015, Nakoula was living at a Los Angeles homeless shelter and working part-time at a pizza parlor.

Nakoula had his moment of infamy. Hope he likes pizza.


Christian terrorism -

Islamic terrorism -

Discrimination against atheists -

Note: there isn't a page for Islam terrorism or atheist terrorism.

Our world. The only life anyone will experience, in spite of claims by believers in one after. Shrug. LOL.


10/24/17 12:16 AM

#274118 RE: F6 #274109

President Trump Promotes Book by ‘Wonderful’ Pastor Who Says Satan Founded the Catholic Church

"Innocence of Muslims Full Video 2015 [sic - 2012]"

The president called him ‘wonderful.’ But among Catholics, Mormons, gays, Tim Tebow, and people who don’t think that abortion caused 9/11, Robert Jeffress isn’t so beloved.

Scott Bixby

10.21.17 12:00 PM ET

Despite past claims that he has “very little time” for watching television, President Donald Trump’s well-documented cable-news crapulence is a frequent catalyst for spur-of-the-moment tweetstorms—typically heavy in self-praise and heavier in schoolyard taunts.

On Friday evening, however, the president took a break from backdoor bragging to promote the important work being done by another American: a virulently anti-Catholic pastor who said something nice about him on television.

In a tweet, Trump lauded A Place Called Heaven: 10 Surprising Truths About Your Eternal Home, the newest book by evangelical megapastor Dr. Robert Jeffress, roughly one hour after Jeffress appeared on Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to defend the president’s feud with Rep. Frederica Wilson.

“What President Trump said to this widow was absolutely appropriate,” said Jeffress, who serves as pastor of the 12,000-parishioner First Baptist Church in Dallas.


The White House did not return a request for comment on when the president read A Place Called Heaven, which markets itself as detailing what a person might expect when they arrive in the afterlife, or who had recommended the book. Trump once predicted .. .. that the only way he would get into Heaven would be if he won the presidency.

More links, and more:

LOLOL. That's gotta go down as one of Trump's most fanciful and imaginative comments.

See also:

Trump Evangelical Adviser: ‘God Is Not An Open Borders Guy’ - Robert Jeffress
This is how Southern Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress justifies ending protections for Dreamers.
.. in "stashed September 15, 2017:" here .. 9/15/17: Weekly Address ..


Frank Amedia, a pastor who serves [ ] as Trump’s “liaison for Christian policy,” describes HIV/AIDS [ ] as “a disease that comes because of unnatural sex.” Trump’s frequent campaign surrogate Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist preacher, has blasted gays for living a “filthy,” “miserable” and “perverse” “lifestyle” that he says encourages child abuse and the coming of the Antichrist [ ].
.. just into 2nd half of .. MIRROR: Response to Orlando Gay Bar Shooting Florida nightclub


Trump's Celebration of an Exclusionary Vision of Freedom

The president appeared at the Kennedy Center with Robert Jeffress—an evangelical leader with whom he’s bound by a shared antipathy to Muslims.
Jul 3, 2017
..[add excerpt here]..
What values, after all, do Trump and Jeffress share? Not a commitment to marital fidelity. Not a commitment to honesty, charity, or humility. The value that unites them, above all—the one that led Jeffress to favor Trump over his more devout, more socially conservative Republican rivals during the primaries—is their shared belief that the American government should favor Christianity over Islam. That’s the odd form of “freedom” they celebrated together at the Kennedy Center on Saturday night. [with comments]
.. about a third down in .. Patriotism in the age of Donald Trump

Of course to many of Trump's supporters he has open slather for one good (to them) reason. "God chose him".

Who in our relatively well educated and enlightened world could possibly argue with that, eh.