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QD explosion

10/23/17 1:37 AM

#60642 RE: ih8aloss #60640

Well I just so happened to visit star park the same exact day that the stock was pumped from .07 up to .20+ so I beg to differ that it was probably not a good time to visit. The stock literally was pumped 5 minutes after I left the facility. My initial reaction was to believe all the smoke they blew up my ass and buy more on the ride up but it left a bad feeling in my gut. Then came the phone calls from the recruiter lol all the signs of a scam started showing and it only got worse and worse over time. Bill I completely concur that quantum dots are the next big thing and the future. But until there is some sort of change in this same story different day different year that we've heard over and over then this will keep getting labeled as such. It's all fluff and the net loss is accumulating by the month. Revenues, supply contracts, partners that will actually allow us to call them our partners publicly, PRs that actually come true, these are things that can change me back into an enthusiastic investor again. To say "it's a shame I didn't dig deeper" is funny to me. Had I not dug so deep I'd still be drinking the kool aid and falling for the games being played here.