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11/16/17 2:25 PM

#30786 RE: etalors #30649

This is now for sure the longest rally without a 5% correction since at least 1986. It is also the 4th largest rally without a 5% correction in terms of percentage gain since 1986, the others came after major bear markets.

Can we keep going up? Of course we can! I was heavily short last week, closed out the short yesterday, near the close. Been so wrong for so long, did not want to get anyone else in trouble.

Bottom line: I actually dont think we blast through to new highs on spx, but would not be heavily shorting just yet. Most likely, House passes the "screw the middle class and poor people" Tax bill, giving away the countries wealth to the billionaires, but what else is new?

If you read my book, which you cant as it is not published yet, but will be by the spring (final editing going on with publisher) you would know that inequality leads to recessions, and that is what has been going on since 1970, and has speeded up significantly since Trump took office.

Life is good, BTW, i expect the senate to not pass the bill quickly, if at all. Thank god for some common sense.