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just Scottie

10/20/17 6:12 PM

#54657 RE: The Big Lebowski #54652

Now we know the conversions we had were not to line Janon’s pockets, we see what it was used for, now finally we can move up and put a side the conspiracy theory


10/20/17 6:15 PM

#54658 RE: The Big Lebowski #54652

Direct Marketing.

I cannot begin to tell you how many "parties" my girlfriends invite me to and that I go to simply for an opportunity to get out and have a couple glasses of wine and good conversations.

I've ordered everything from "toys" to clothing to candles at these parties.

Want my opinion - let people sell this that way. Build an entire cross country sales force that orders a start up package from the company and then gets orders while spreading the word about the product line.

Just my 2 cents plus a dime.