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janice shell

10/19/17 11:18 PM

#44 RE: Newly2b #43

Well said. But I have no objections to young people and their desire to have their own thing, and realize their own interests.

I DO, however, object to stupidity. As represented by the Tree Octopuses.

But I'm not at all sure that's really generational. I'm sure a great many older people would fall for it as well, if it appeared in a publication, or at a site they frequented.

And since the Daily Mail is a UK paper, and has been for a long time, I suspect they found the story funny because of this:

I remember it from the time. It was just hilarious, and a lot of people fell for it. Be sure to watch the original:

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lucky, mydog

10/20/17 3:37 AM

#49 RE: Newly2b #43

o.k., you make some good points and duly noted. however, these times are different. things are faster and the easy access to information is strangely making learning a lost art. it is my belief that never before has the percentage of stupid people been higher. i know there are boards for politics so i won't belabor the point but the current political situation not only in this country but in all developed countries is an indication of that stupidity. is there an answer, a fix? probably not. i think history says there is no going back. well, not since the dark ages but they didn't have computers then.