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10/18/17 3:03 PM

#42379 RE: ButtersOnARoll #42376

Well, not if we win the Apple trial. And Petitions. Then it would be fine with me, that all current IPR’s continue. Thus, eliminating Apple continuing to argue the validity in court with due process by jury.

But, according to certain attorneys if ruled unconstitutional, it’s done! Which to my understanding, wipes out any victory. If VPLM wins the Apple trial, now Apple can continue to argue validity in court by due process by jury..........The whole process is a mess. Just time and money.

The process which is corrupt, is the real issue. If it were fair, and it worked on merit, like it was extended to, we’d be fine.


10/20/17 8:41 AM

#42396 RE: ButtersOnARoll #42376

Good points.....But, now the question is, what happens to the current IPR’s that have been going on for the past year and a half?

If VPLM happens to win the Apple IPR Trial and then its declared unconstitutional, then what. Does this in fact wipe out our victory then allows Apple to continue to argue validity in court. I mean, we’d all be excited that if VPLM loses a crooked IPR process and then the process is declared unconstitutional, it wipes out the current IPR’s and any instituted IPR’s. But, what happens if VPLM wins?

Either way, the IPR trial will be appealed but, why would it then continued into an appeal, if ruled unconstitutional? I mean, did we just waste what would be two years, of a legal battle, to have it not mean anything?

Will they allow the current IPR’s to play out? Maybe if a patent holder wins their IPR trial, it’ll be allowed to validate the patent and not be effected by any Supreme Court decision? Who really knows. I don’t believe anyone does, at this point.

These are very important questions, that VPLM needs to address, prior to the upcoming decisions in November. It could effect the PPS substantially.

Because as of now, any VPLM victory, would seem to be wiped out by the Supreme Court decision that rules IPR’s unconstitutional.

Be careful what you wish for....