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10/18/17 12:11 PM

#30826 RE: bluelucky #30825

Agreed completely lucky! Was shocked to see it disclosed that IPCI had a CRL that they never bothered informing the market on. And I'm still hopeful that new CFO Patience gets out there and actually tries telling the story like Shameze used to do.

CFO Della Penna never once did any interviews with bloggers for example whereas Shameze did several interviews with seekingalpha bloggers when he was CFO.

The worst thing about the past 3.5 years is IPCI keeps the market oblivious to all the things that should be constantly put out their for storyline progression monitoring.

If IPCI won't bother taking their story to the street and competing for market attention then it's really no wonder market sentiment and share price are both near all time lows approaching 9 years since Dr. Odidi went public.

Heck even the ringing of the NAZ opening bell that got cancelled several years ago due to Storm Sandy never got re-scheduled proving how little Dr. Odidi tries to even get IPCI on the map of any relevant radars.