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10/18/17 9:39 AM

#1877 RE: rrojarom #1876

Great DD as always! And yes I would like to know them answers


10/18/17 10:33 AM

#1881 RE: rrojarom #1876

Barry puts his name on everything, he robs peter to pay paul its how he runs his "businesses". Not sure if you saw thw RLTR filings...they mentioned how they had to update filings from the past because the "forgot" to disclose information about Barry being paid for RLTR purchase or something like that.

I forget exactly what because I read how they stated they forgot to disclose information and then basically closed the would be interesting to see trading activity around that period they forgot about.

Sounds like you know that Barry is a fake so I don't have to tell you twice.

Solid DD keep up the good work and keep Barry in the light, he loves staying in the dark.