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Greed Kills

10/18/17 6:55 AM

#54569 RE: Shortnlongs #54568

In the Court case, Kate was ordered to retain counsel by early November. If QEDN and GEGI retain counsel then maybe they will start producing documents and may purge their contempt. If QEDN and GEGI don’t retain counsel it is clear they have no intent on being a going concern. They will have decided to let Lattuca increase the Judgment through attorneys fees and sanctions without offering any defense.

BTW, The financials indicate GPL Ventures received shares due to debt conversion. This doesn’t appear to be true though. The first shares were issued to GPL before GPL even “loaned” money to QEDN. Even with toxic financing there should be an appearance of 1) loan; 2) default, 3) share issuance. Here the shares were issued before any money was even “loaned” to QEDN. A payment date can’t start before the loan is issued and how does QEDN default on the loan before it received the money from the loan?