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08/23/03 5:48 PM

#15790 RE: famlydog #15788

Let me add to that Family. I think people such as Austin are not writing there message to us that hang out here all the time chit chating about the stock. He will always come out clearly and say I dont care put me on ignore. His way to shut you up about what he is doing. I believe his true message is to fill the board with negativity to any new investors by constantly stirring up the pot. Did anyone notice the other day when all hell was breaking loose over here that the Raging bull was suspiously silent. I am sure they were all doing a little dance with glee. I think the bashers are very content with the constant negativity going on right now. As soon as it gets positive they crank up the volume. Once again I do not think these conversations are directed to people that are here all the time (of course they are because those are the people that chat with them)they just want to catch anyone considering buying.


08/23/03 5:52 PM

#15791 RE: famlydog #15788

familydog, there was a time when I'd agree with pretty much everything you said in your post. But the times, they're a'changin', as B.Dylan puts it.
We now have become less of a mouthpiece for the company and more for ourselves. When many of the s/h's write posts, it is now less with hope and speculation, and more informed by the "truth", insofar as we can glean it from the scraps occasionally thrown our way (or uncovered by our fearless detectives aboard) and by something less than divination. Even my occasional posts have lost a bit of their rosy glow quality - still optimistic, mind you - but less frequently as I await the meeting and the change of name (whatever that might engender). I suggest to you that those who would be influenced to not buy NVC shares as a result of this board's recent posture vis-a-vis the company would be the selfsame ones who, had they bought, would take their money and run with a stock rise, imo. Those potentially serious investors who read our words do so as one of their efforts at DD, imo, and would not make any decision re stock purchase based just upon our current screeds launched in NVC's direction. ULtimately, their stock purchase would be more likely to "stick to the ribs" and give the company a stronger s/h base - again, imo.
Moreover, since our posts now contain more of the actual take we have of the company, when (notice I did not say "if") it does reveal itself to be competently run and the s/p reacts accordingly, the comments on the board will now be supportive for the "real" reasons for our applause, rather than being informed by factors other than to the company's performance.
Here's to better living with rimchips. :-) lol


08/23/03 5:54 PM

#15792 RE: famlydog #15788

Fam. I strongly disagree!
First take a look at a 6 month chart. See a pattern there?

It is a pattern that is being supported by Winehouse.
That is one reason it is woth hanging on imo.
Winehouse knows the shares increase will pass.
Thus, he isn't going anywhere as this is a cash cow for him.
So, as an investor you are protected in the .30 range.

Now that I have established why the shareprice won't be affected by a message board lets move on to your comments.

And we, the long term shareholders, offer up doubt, critism and ridicule in regards to this new publicity!

Here is EXACTLY why your statement has happened!

PR's that were flat out lies in order to sell 144s.
PR's that were deceiving in the best of light.
PR's that were written in order to let shareholders imaginations run wild yet were never backed up with news to confirm any of the content.

The fact is, in regards to any tech news that doesn't give out a progress report on where we are at in the stage of getting to market, along with financing info, is going to be torn apart.


End of Story!

And guess what?
Is that the shareholders fault?
Will is it?

I suggest going and reading last years 8k, a legal document, and asking yourself if what is in that document how much of any of that has come to pass.
Think NV will do another 8k?
Maybe not after reading this post?
Some people do pay attention after years of believing the company line.
Neither my post or anyone elses post is not going to affect anyone selling or buying.

It is up to the company to quit getting on the phone and asking people to be positive and start producing.

It's time for them to give us something positive to become positive!

In the mean time Winehouse will support the price.

The only thing right now new investors would buy in on is the movie. That is a FACT!
It is the only thing that is anywhere close to revenues received.
Yet NV with all of their secrets won't reveal the cut they are receiving which has put a hold on that new investors coming in.
Until they solve the abroad movie contract that hold remains.

In conclusion. I have shown why most won't sell now with winehouse supporting price. I have shown why most won't invest now because lack of revenue knowledge and tech progress.

And it's the message board that can hurt us?

Like I said. I strongly disagree.
The days of benefit of the doubt which you asked for in your post for the new guy Brad is gone in my book.

When he put the old BOD names in the proxy for re-election he told me all I needed to know besides other situations there is no need to disclose of at this time.

When Cooper came here he was ready to clean house.
In fact JH told me he'd be down the road shortly as he wanted to bring in his own people.
Yet the house didn't get cleaned for some reason did it?

And now Brad is keeping the same furniture in the house.
And Coopers gone.
I'll leave it to you guys to figure it out, since once again it's a SECRET!
One hint.
Can you spell RAY?
Oh you bet.
It's the SHAREHOLDERS fault!