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Big daddy wags

10/17/17 4:00 PM

#32325 RE: cfljmljfl #32322

Actually China has been put on back burner by Andy!he is obviously concerned with theft of intellectual property!

Big daddy wags

10/17/17 4:21 PM

#32327 RE: cfljmljfl #32322

As far as the rest of you post regarding PLUG upcoming profitability? Nonsense!
Plug has struggled the past three plus years because they have made the transition from a research company to a manufacturing company and now for the past two years adding infrastructure and sale of Hydrogen!
I would say they have a vision!
Most companies fail before they get to the manufacturing stage. PLUG is succeeding on all fronts.
I believe their full year guidance will be met and they should turn profitable
In 2018! But GLTU and hope you have covered your short position if you have one.
One of these first days this baby is going to double without warning and the short squeeze will be on!!
All IMHO of course!!