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10/19/17 11:53 AM

#2094 RE: powerfullogic #2093

I have been following this stock for over 7 years. The recent patents obtained in China are more than thought provoking. Given the advance in technology, lower cost, green capability, safety factors this technology offers , unless there is some unforeseen disaster during the evaluation at the Haldron reactor, this is the energy wave of the future. Nothing scales up to produce Kw hrs necessary to grow a large country like China...and India like nuclear. France has certainly bought into the idea as has the Nuclear Regulatory committee by inviting them back to the conference table. The fact the the company maintained a desire to split revenue\license their product in their recent agreement is a testament to the fact they see themselves as long term players in this industry...think steady revenue stream. Regards disruptive technology, it took them 16 years to get to this point, leaps in physics don't occur over night.

The downside, no revenue...I get it. I will take the 17 years of research as a "buy in", along with the patents they have accrued. There are only 10 million shares outstanding...for 17 years of work and patents...and you can get this stock for 1.05? Revenue may yet be 3-5 years away, or come in smaller increments. Personally, I can afford to be patient.