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10/16/17 8:29 PM

#28114 RE: madprophet #28111


They said in a statement about 9 months ago they were in the process of targeting other infringers. I made a comment on here about it so I can find it easier (if that is even possible.). I suspect with the lack of funds available they won't announce until after district court rules. Simply because, if they still are alive by that point they will have leverage to play and if they die at that point no point on burning cash on other infringers.


Patience to success

10/16/17 9:48 PM

#28115 RE: madprophet #28111

I agree with you " Let's get the big dog out of the way...", if WDDD can do earlier the stock may shoot above .50 cents per share, investors feel confidence also more other investors get in, then win ATVI, with a win the rest just line up to pay.
I can't wait to see that Really happened, WDDD will be $5.00 /share, so exciting .....
Good luck to all!


10/17/17 1:55 PM

#28122 RE: madprophet #28111


I found the post.


Around that time is when World's released the press release talking about it.
