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10/16/17 6:54 PM

#273853 RE: fuagf #273851

I sell crystals to some new age shops by Mt. Shasta. You wouldn't believe some of the things I have to keep a straight face about. Such as okenite being a crystal that occurs as a result of alien contact, specifically the Lemurians. And the high resonance energy crystals that can regulate the heart, mind, and reproductive organs. Their checks cash, so I gladly sell them some of my finds. Now that smoking pot is legal in private places, most of the shops are in a constant haze, and it is funny how they scramble when I show up, as they seem to think I am a trumpeter or something. There is one portly old hippie chick over there who owns a shop that always gives me top dollar and tries to flirt, which only lasts as long as I can stay upwind of her. I don't have the heart to tell her that an alum crystal would work as a deodorant, but the customer is always right.

It pays the gas money for my hobby of long hikes over in Nevada every other day.

The last two places I have lived made the national news over UFO's, I imagine mostly because I live in remote places and the aliens apparently have advanced census work done so they know where to go where the sky has the least light pollution. (if one can call the National Enquirer national news)

Since it is cattle country here, cattle mutilations were all the rage about 20 years ago, and of course it was the aliens that were accused of the rustling, none were ever strung up, which they would have been since deporting them would have been problematical.