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10/15/17 2:12 AM

#273731 RE: fuagf #273730

Trump admin. attempted to ease existing sanctions on Russians first thing,

The Rachel Maddow Show 10/12/17

Trump fails to implement Russia sanctions he signed into law
Congressman Adam Schiff talks with Rachel Maddow about
Donald Trump's failure to implement sanctions against Russia for their interference in the 2016 election. Duration: 10:38

and now over 2 months from the signing into law of new sanctions the Trump government has not implemented them.


10/18/17 6:23 PM

#273925 RE: fuagf #273730

Part 24, some of Russian tampering stuff from F6 biguns, this from a
Tuesday, 10/17/17 post headed .. President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure ..

Noting again that all 'measurement' is made with index finger and thumb tips, so rough. Just into 2nd third.

Prosecutor on Kushner’s third email account: Maybe obstruction
The Beat With Ari Melber
A new report reveals that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump used a third undisclosed private email account.
Fmr. Watergate prosecutor, Nick Akerman, discusses the implications with Ari Melber. Duration: 3:20

From "stashed October 3, 2017:"

Trump’s company had more contact with Russia during campaign, according to documents turned over to investigators

The Trump Documents
The Onion has obtained hundreds of documents from an anonymous source within the White House.

Top Democrat demands answers on whether Kushner, others used private email for diplomacy

Report: Ivanka Trump, Kushner used third email account for White House business
White House officials sent hundreds of emails to the private addresses
The White House Counsel's Office last week launched an internal review

Cardin requests details on Kushner's use of personal email account

Here's what could land Jared Kushner in hot water with Congress over his use of private email


See also:

How big a screw-up is Jared Kushner? Background check head has 'never seen that level of mistakes'

Robert Mueller Is Facing His Biggest Question Yet: Should He Prosecute the Cover-Up Before He’s Certain There’s a Crime?


10/18/17 6:48 PM

#273926 RE: fuagf #273730

Exclusive: Putin's 'chef,' the man behind the troll factory

By Tim Lister, Jim Sciutto and Mary Ilyushina, CNN

Updated 0057 GMT (0857 HKT) October 18, 2017

Source: CNN

VIDEO - Exclusive: Putin's 'chef,' the man behind the troll factory 02:34

(CNN)Yevgeny Prigozhin is a Russian oligarch dubbed "chef" to President Vladimir Putin by the Russian press. In 2002, he served caviar and truffles to President George W. Bush during a summit in St. Petersburg. Before that, he renovated a boat that became the city's most exclusive restaurant.

But his business empire has expanded far beyond the kitchen. US investigators believe it was Prigozhin's company that financed a Russian "troll factory" that used social media to spread fake news during the 2016 US presidential campaign, according to multiple officials briefed on the investigation. One part of the factory had a particularly intriguing name and mission: a "Department of Provocations" dedicated to sowing fake news and social divisions in the West, according to internal company documents obtained by CNN.

Prigozhin is one of the Kremlin's inner circle. His company is believed to be a main backer of the St. Petersburg-based "Internet Research Agency" (IRA), a secretive technology firm, according to US officials and the documents reviewed by CNN. Prigozhin was sanctioned by the US Treasury Department in December of 2016 for providing financial support for Russia's military occupation of Ukraine. Two of his companies, including his catering business, were also sanctioned by Treasury this year.


Another document shows a 2013 contract drawn up by an employee at Concord Management and Consulting, Prigozhin's main business, based in St. Petersburg. The contract was for 20 million rubles (then $650,000) for construction work at the IRA and was signed by the director general of IRA


Company registrations retrieved by CNN appear to confirm that. Another company at 55 Savushkina Street is Glavset, whose director general has the same name as the boss of IRA. The name matches that of a former regional police chief in St. Petersburg.