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10/14/17 11:26 AM

#161732 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

It is just sad that Dan the inept scammer man...his failures will fill in the rest of the sentence!!!! Lol!


10/14/17 11:38 AM

#161733 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

Well I will admit that lately the board has been spammed with Currah insults and detractions in a weak attempt to obscure the fact that current management is being flake and untrustworthy.

Not that I disagree with anyone about the actions of previous management.

But I did not put quotes because you don't have to say it word for word to imply it.

It's pretty simple.
The people who are in the red for a decade need someone to buy and get them back their losses.
They say I'm buying
I am going to get rich
I we will never see a pps like this again.

Those that caused the red point fingers at anyone but themselves.

Those that saw things how they are and made money are saying how things are.

I could care less if the pps goes up or down. Especially now since I am not trading at the moment.
But even when I am I don't care which way it goes since I can make money either way.

What's my motive for "bashing"?
Can buy now and sell after the next PR and make money.

Or I can bottom fish and just wait for the shares then sell to longs who are addicted to the company and make money.

If a PR comes out today I can buy and sell an a couple days and make money.

When it's slow I can ride the bid and ask and make money.

I don't care what happens here at all.
You do.

Only one of us has motive.


10/14/17 3:42 PM

#161742 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

Lol! What excuse will come out for the lack of drill results???!!! Lol!


10/14/17 3:56 PM

#161743 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

Drill results??? Anyone!!!??? Waiting on any day now!!! Come on we have seen pictures of supposed drilling!! Just sad....


10/14/17 3:58 PM

#161744 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731



10/14/17 4:32 PM

#161745 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731 drill results...can't make this stuff up!!


10/14/17 4:35 PM

#161746 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

Come on....according to you the samples have been in the lab for a long time now??? What a fraud!!!! Lol!?!


10/14/17 4:52 PM

#161747 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

At what point....Srsr idiocy?!!! Lol!!


10/14/17 5:06 PM

#161750 RE: Evil Rabbit #161731

Why is the Dan the little man PPS lower then when he took over??!! Lol!!