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10/13/17 7:37 PM

#200039 RE: DaubersUP #200036

Technical price action versus good news....

you know the answer to that. everyone knows great news will shatter the technical picture.
watching technical price action is just a method to find targets that look like good odds to buy or sell. and it can be tricky all the time, looking recently like 70 cents would hold, and now its not holding.

Looking for best bargains to buy. that's all the price watching is about for me. but IF there is a bounce, and some technical rally, NOT coming from any good news, what do you think will happen as soon as the bounce reaches the 80's? it will likely get Slammed back down into the 70's. That's the technical trading game. Until we get the chart shattering great news, it will be a technical chart trading like this does.


10/13/17 7:37 PM

#200040 RE: DaubersUP #200036

B om can swallow the buys all day long with this option at .70 easy money if results prove out...don't for get about bup


10/13/17 7:41 PM

#200043 RE: DaubersUP #200036

You'd have to get a bigger chart:)


10/13/17 7:42 PM

#200044 RE: DaubersUP #200036

Yep, with Biotech stocks they can just gap up way above any of the resistance levels.


10/13/17 8:07 PM

#200046 RE: DaubersUP #200036

Agreed 100%....went thru with this with Tom Tom months ago...
Charts don't mean squat!!!! ...when a deal or deals are potential announced and with finacial backing this stock will halt for trading until the market makers figure out how bad they and the short got screwed and are at the mercy of real shareholders and retail full force buying power to take the pps where they need to grab shares and maybe finally dislove posting here of making nickels,dimes and quarter's on there investment.....smarter investors know that the trifecta drug candidates that IPIX holds in all its trial data coming scores positive results then you are indeed looking at something quite historic coming out of the otcbb in IPIX.....let's try a pps north of $40 a share in valuation alone in what Prurisol, Brilacidin & Kevetrin pocess to big bio-pharma in 2018!!!......full speed ahead boys and girls!..
.all imho,tryz


10/13/17 8:43 PM

#200048 RE: DaubersUP #200036


That is a GREAT question.

What would the chart do if P was sold for a 6 billion lump sum payment?

Good luck and GOD bless,



10/13/17 9:07 PM

#200049 RE: DaubersUP #200036

Just think, with 6 billion they could focus on B and K and other's in the pipeline and even buy back a few shares if they wanted. Or maybe just a stock split 2 for 1 would be a better way to go.

OK. I am done dreaming. Time to wake up.