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10/13/17 1:52 PM

#105653 RE: Pres46 #105651

Retirement of the convertibles is with a purpose.

Purpose can be summed up in 3 words...WASH, RINSE, REPEAT


10/13/17 2:44 PM

#105660 RE: Pres46 #105651

Not trying to bash. Speaking from experience as I have had countless conversations with Berge in my opinion he is a lier and manipulator and he's just trying to finance his dreams while risking other peoples money. Fool me once same on you fool me twice shame on me. The issue is there is a sucker born every second so Berge has a constant stream of new blood to rip off.

Berge is nothing more then a failing small time mom and pop jewelry designer that figured out the trick to steal money from people by taking his small time operation “public”. This inaccurately paints the picture that he is a big shot CEO of a really company. You should all visit his boutique so you get a better sense what you are”investing” in everything else is false hopes and dreams. The fact he takes calls and answers questions directly from shareholders gives a false impression that he is open, honest, and forth coming but the reality is he’s just a crook that’s trying to get you to buy more worthless shares. PR’s are released right before major dumps. A R/S is coming mark my words. BRGO is not a lotto ticket or a gamble it’s worthless paper that will continuously go down in value. Bergio is the worst game to play at the casino as the odds are severely against you. Those that are stuck in here I hope you will get lucky and get out during a temporary pop which will unfortunately leave someone else holding the bag.

Just for discloser this is all just my honest opinion. Taken from someone that has spoken to Berge countless times on the phone and through emails directly, researched all leads and still lost over 50k because at the time I didn't realize he was all just hype. Good luck to all!