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10/13/17 10:10 AM

#32793 RE: realstocksarentpinks #32792

stocks go up and down. what is your point? $CWIR


10/13/17 10:14 AM

#32795 RE: realstocksarentpinks #32792

I believe their values will increase with patience. For those who are not willing to wait the week or two, that’s a personal choice. We’re all adults here. Stock values are up and down everyday. If you can’t handle that, you probably have no business trading.


10/14/17 6:20 PM

#32954 RE: realstocksarentpinks #32792

Since at least half CWIR volume is shorting, much of this oblivious pps suppression is coming from repeating $50 - $100 selling. Level 2 displays these as 10,000 - 20,000 micro selling and they only seem happen when the pps pauses and could go either up or down. So what can anyone do about it?

Individual's could help suppress these manipulative trading actions by buying and selling the precise opposite of these trades. Opposite trading might generate additional fees and margin requirements but those costs could never match the damage this manipulative selling is causing to the CWIR pps.


10/16/17 1:02 PM

#33235 RE: realstocksarentpinks #32792

What were you saying? CWIR booooom!


10/16/17 1:07 PM

#33241 RE: realstocksarentpinks #32792

52 week high right now buddy. Not even 1 bag holder in this stock right now.