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10/12/17 9:58 PM

#432920 RE: SGINPHX #432907

"I get that there is a difference between the two but Watt has already said that the GSE's are reformed. Once he makes this statement, as far as I am concerned, his only concern other than day to day should be recap. "

See, and thats the problem. People confuse GSE reform with housing reform. GSEs are companies. Housing reform would encompass way more than that...regulations on banks, terms required for mortgages, interaction and audit requirements for companies like the GSEs...and much more.

Watt likely believes that our current system is not safe enough to end conservatorship and is calling on Congress to make it safer.

"They ARE privately held companies...let Congress work on "housing finance reform" and whatever happens to them should be no different than for instance a solar company after rebates are changed legislatively. Set them free, let them recap and the chips land where they land. "

SGINPHX...we both no that analogy is bologna. A solar company? If the solar industry crashes, the country will be fine. When the housing market crashes, a depression can start.

There is no way the government will just "let the chips land where they land" when it comes to the housing market.

That being said, the NWS is counterproductive and does not serve a purpose to protect the country in any is just lining government pockets. And Trump should end the NWS today.