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Ed Ajootian

10/14/17 8:32 AM

#6315 RE: PCE #6312

PCE, welcome to the board, I believe your timing on following this stock will turn out to be quite prescient.

The company unfortunately went through a period of "over promising and under delivering" on some financial guidance earlier this year, and the stock price took a hit accordingly. Now they've decided to "walk softly and carry a big stick" I guess, not issuing any more guidance and letting their quarterly results just speak for themselves.

Just curious, what caused you to start looking at this stock, if I may ask? Was it that big move the other day on massive volume? I imagine the FTNW ticker popped up on a lot of stock screens that day.

Regarding communications with management, I wish you good luck. A while back they lined up a hotshot IR firm but that relationship appeared to end fairly soon thereafter and now they just list somebody at the company for IR, who has yet to return a call from me after several tries. I hope that they get around to lining up another IR firm soon -- as we all know this is an important function for the penny stocks.

I'm actually pretty happy to see the stock consolidating around the $.40 mark here, so as to form a solid base from which to start the next leg up. These OTC stocks tend to drag in a lot of mo-mo traders when they make big moves and I would just as soon see those guys be out of the stock at the time the company announces 3Q, so that the expected rally will not be impeded by those traders cashing in their profits.

I have a pretty big position in the stock at this point so I dare not buy any more, but if I were looking to build a position I would try to buy as much as I could under $.475 since that is the price at which a large amount of notes are convertible into stock. So if you buy under that price you aren't getting diluted by those securities.