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10/12/17 3:38 PM

#17642 RE: $oldier Hard #17641

This is a funny business.


10/12/17 4:44 PM

#17643 RE: $oldier Hard #17641

Just in time for the holidays - Jefferson's Bourbon - We are happy to announce the new release of #JEFFERSONSPRESIDENTIAL SELECT 16 Years Old. Double Barreled. #JPS16 #JeffersonsPresidential16


10/12/17 8:07 PM

#17651 RE: $oldier Hard #17641

Replying to @JeffsBourbon
All of them??
10:58 PM - 9 Oct 2017


10/12/17 8:17 PM

#17652 RE: $oldier Hard #17641

Enter-to-Win-a-Night-Out-in-D.C.-with-Knappogue Cocktails

This is a different city. The other one was Philadelphia.

Submit an entry to the Knappogue Night Out Sweepstakes for a chance to discover incredible whiskey cocktails near you. A winner from Washington, DC will enjoy free drinks and free rides to top local bars featuring Knappogue, the 2016 Irish Whiskey of the Year at the Irish Whiskey Awards.

Some of the best bartenders in your city have introduced premium Knappogue cocktails. This is your opportunity to try them for free.

Prize Details:
One grand prize winner will enjoy an unforgettable night out in Washington, DC.
The winners and one guest will enjoy pre-dinner Knappogue drinks at a select cocktail bar followed by dinner in a trendy restaurant, with more delicious Knappogue cocktails during the meal
Winner will be given $100 for transportation, so they can relax without worrying about traffic and parking.


There’s no cocktail competition or social media campaign. All you have to do to enter for a chance to win a night out on Knappogue is provide your name, date of birth, address and email.

Sweepstakes ends: 11:59 p.m. PST 12/31/17