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10/12/17 11:35 AM

#199853 RE: DesireToLearn #199852

more shares just filled at .67 bid. this thing is a broken disaster.

Aspire is jumping ship


10/12/17 12:07 PM

#199858 RE: DesireToLearn #199852

DTL, The Market has done their DD on IPIX. We all see the results. It's plain to see, or I should say- Painful.

'If' this management was not what it is, the PPS would be $4.+ by now. The issue, IMHO, is of 'trust'.
Over-promising, and under-delivery, is not what The Market wants to see. Especially when history shows a background of Lifestyle Companies for the insiders, and disaster for the investors.

Besides that, 'If' is way down on the Totem Pole. Like IF, I knew then, what I know now....things would have been a lot different.

One of Leo's main goals that he stated early on, was to protect stockholder value and IPIX to be a most transparent company. He failed. Now we are left only with 'IF'.
Many secretly hoping, 'if' I could just get my money back. Good Luck on the 'IF', but it's all that's left.

Let's just say Leo failed some things whether failed up listing , too high salary, valuable will the company be or even how strong if positive P results coming up, positive OM, and postitive K results upcoming. Will it be Leo's success?