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10/11/17 11:05 PM

#37365 RE: Cueva #37364

You are overlooking the primary reason they inked the toxic financing in the first place. They weren’t able to obtain A paper financing. Fast forward 3 years and they are in worse shape now then when they started. They are stuck in hard money land and the only thing that would change that is a substantial purchase order. Unless and until that happens no investors other than hard money are talking to them.

What you’re suggesting is World Moto has a deal in the works based on a mandate that may never happen. Lol. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that sales pitch. That meeting would be over in 30 seconds.
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10/12/17 9:28 AM

#37368 RE: Cueva #37364

If anyone is thinking that this criminal CEO is raising 380K for marketing this company's so-called products then they are fools. Big fools. This company neither have any working products or apps nor this criminal CEO have any plans to develop any products or apps. This criminal CEO needs money for his lifestyle and that's why he is raising money. Whatever he has done so far is from borrowed money. He even paid his lawyers, auditors, accountants with borrowed money. He doesn't have anything at stake here. He had been living off of shareholders for the last 6+ years. The point of my posts is, how long shareholders let him fool you? how long shareholders will let him live off of you? how long shareholders will let him do this to you? They say fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice then shame on me. He has fooled you not only once but more than 6+ years now. How long you will let him continue do this to you and live his lifestyle off of you?