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10/11/17 2:46 PM

#42292 RE: mr_sano #42289

Mr. Sa Yea, good luck standing on the sidelines. Biting at our heals is all the fun you will be having. Watch and learn. Stubborn is, what stubborn does.


10/11/17 6:01 PM

#42308 RE: mr_sano #42289

Some investors will never learn. It ain't where a stock or company has's where it's going....

By the time they realize they are wrong, it's tooooo late....


10/11/17 6:49 PM

#42312 RE: mr_sano #42289


QS Energy's AOT Crude Oil Friction Reduction Hardware in Review Phase for Systemic Integration With Condensate Pipeline

SANTA BARBARA, CA -- (Marketwired) -- 06/06/16 -- QS Energy, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCQX: QSEP), a developer of integrated technology solutions for the energy industry, today announced its AOT (Applied Oil Technology) system will be benchmarked on a variety of super-light and ultra-light crude oil due to its ongoing positive evaluation on a major crude and condensate pipeline serving the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. In making the announcement, Greggory M. Bigger, QS Energy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, stated, "In collaboration with our partner, we've mapped out the path forward to most effectively meet their objectives, which include laboratory testing of additional crude oil products followed by hydraulic analysis based on those results to determine the appropriate friction and viscosity reduction goals for our AOT system."

Designed to be installed adjacent to pipeline pumping stations, AOT subjects crude oil to a high-voltage/low-amperage electrical field to reduce its viscosity, which permits it to flow in higher volume. By integrating the AOT power supply with the hardware that controls and monitors a pipeline, typically situated in a remotely located control room, AOT will provide pipeline operators with the ability to monitor and react to real-time data to gain the best possible operational efficiencies.

"Upon delivery of our detailed use case study and cost-benefit projections, we anticipate integrating the AOT power supply with the pipeline's SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system to provide remote operation of the AOT unit and automate its operation according to changes in the product transported," Mr. Bigger added. "QS Energy has also been asked to develop an installation-specific operational and systems handbook to gain maximum performance from the continuous AOT on a batch condensate system."

Initially installed on the condensate line last year, the customized AOT unit has undergone a rigorous value engineering process to achieve flow rates at levels predicted in earlier laboratory testing of samples of the ultra-light crude carried by the pipeline. Further viscosity reduction assessments of additional condensate samples are scheduled to be conducted at Temple University's Department of Physics, with hydraulic analysis of the additional data to be performed by QS Energy engineers.

"We're delighted that the recent performance review of AOT has resulted in an opportunity for us to demonstrate its friction reduction capabilities in a batched, multi-grade environment," Mr. Bigger added. "The industry's drive toward greater efficiencies and carbon neutrality demand technologies capable of reducing emissions related to the production and transport of crude oil while improving the economics of doing business in a lower spot price market. We believe AOT can play an important role in supporting our customers' commitment to producing energy more cost-efficiently and in an environmentally responsible manner."

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement:
Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About AOT (Applied Oil Technology)
Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, AOT (Applied Oil Technology) is the energy industry's first crude oil pipeline flow improvement solution using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of over 30 engineering teams at 19 independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its proven efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators interested in improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents the premiere solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenging period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy, Inc.

QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQX: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with leading crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors. More information is available at:

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

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Company Contact
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581

Investor Relations
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released June 6, 2016


10/11/17 6:54 PM

#42313 RE: mr_sano #42289

NOT TRUE. The sec has VERIFIED & APPROVED the INDEPENDENT reports provided by ATS RheoSystems, RMOTC & PETROCHINA. The INDEPEDENT results are published in the 10k about the PROVEN AOT. This is why the DRA & DILUENT companies & their AGENTS, LAWYERS & PARASITES are very concerned about the PROVEN AOT & the damage it will do to their industry & profits. The DRA & DILUENT companies have FAILED to stop the progress of the PROVEN AOT.

Laboratory and Scientific Testing

From 2010 through 2013, the Company worked with the U.S. Department of Energy (“US DOE”) to test its technology at the Department of Energy’s Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (“RMOTC”), near Casper, Wyoming. This third-party testing independently verified the efficacy of the Company’s technology operating in a controlled facility, using commercial-scale prototype of our AOT equipment. These tests were summarized in the US DOE Rocky Mountain Oilfield Test Center report dated April 4, 2012 (“ROMRC Report”), which reported AOT measured pressure loss reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 1, page 4) and viscosity reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 2, page 4); and reported observed reductions in line-loss and gains in pump operation efficiency across the entire length of the 4.4-mile test pipeline. A copy of the RMOTC April 4, 2012 Report is available on the Company website at: A subsequent long-duration (24-hour) test at the RMOTC facility tested the effectiveness of AOT in treating oil overnight, as pipeline oil temperatures and viscosities drop. In its report dated May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012, US DOE engineers recorded 56% reduction in viscosity of the AOT-treated oil versus untreated oil, with AOT effectively stabilizing oil viscosity throughout the overnight run despite dropping temperatures. A copy of the RMOTC May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012 report is available on the Company website at:

Laboratory testing of our AOT technology has been conducted by Dr. Rongjia Tao. Testing of the technology as applied to crude oil extraction and transmission has been conducted at Temple University in their Physics Department, in addition to the US DOE, at their Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, located on the Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 Teapot Dome Oilfield, north of Casper, Wyoming. In addition, a group led by Dr. Rongjia Tao, Chairman, Department of Physics of Temple University conducted experiments, using the laboratory-scale Applied Oil Technology apparatus at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (CNR). NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, founded in 1901 in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Independent laboratory testing was also conducted as a collaborative effort by Temple University and PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center (“PetroChina”) in 2012. In its report dated June 26, 2012 (“PetroChina Report”), PetroChina concluded, “The above series of tests show that it is very effective to use AOT to reduce the viscosity of crude oil. We can see that AOT has significantly reduced the viscosity of Daqing crude oil, Changqing crude oil, and Venezuela crude oil, and greatly improved its flow rate.” (PetroChina Report, page 15). A copy of the PetroChina Report is available online at:

As previously reported in 2014, QS Energy installed and tested its commercial AOT equipment, leased and operated by TransCanada on TransCanada’s high-volume Keystone pipeline operation. The first full test of the AOT equipment on the Keystone pipeline was performed in July 2014, with preliminary data analyzed and reported by Dr. Rongjia Tao of Temple University. Upon review of the July 2014 test results and preliminary report by Dr. Tao, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that this initial test was flawed due to, among other factors, the short term nature of the test, the inability to isolate certain independent pipeline operating factors such as fluctuations in upstream pump station pressures, and limitations of the AOT device to produce a sufficient electric field to optimize viscosity reduction. Although Dr. Tao’s preliminary report indicated promising results, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that no conclusions could be reliably reached from the July 2014 test or from Dr. Tao’s preliminary report. As a result of this test, the Company modified its testing protocols and contracted with an independent laboratory, ATS RheoSystems, a division of CANNON (“ATS”), to perform follow-up tests at the TransCanada facility. This independent laboratory performed viscosity measurements at the TransCanada facility during subsequent testing in September 2014. As detailed in its field test report dated October 6, 2014, ATS measured AOT viscosity reductions of 8% to 23% depending on flow rates and crude oil types in transit. Over the duration of a 24-hour test intended to measure the recovery of the AOT treated oil from its reduced-viscosity treated state to its original pre-treated viscosity, ATS measured viscosity reductions of 23% three hours after treatment and 11% thirteen hours after treatment, with the crude oil returning to its untreated state approximately twenty-two hours after treatment. In its summary report dated February 5, 2015, ATS concluded that i) data indicated a decrease in viscosity of crude oil flowing through the TransCanada pipeline due to AOT treatment of the crude oil; and ii) the power supply installed on our equipment would need to be increased to maximize reduction in viscosity and take full advantage of the AOT technology. A copy of the ATS summary report dated February 5, 2015 is available on the Company website at: A copy of the ATS field test report dated October 6, 2014, with certain confidential information redacted, is available on the Company website at:

Although, as reported by ATS, the efficacy of the AOT technology operated in the TransCanada field test was constrained due to limitations of the electric field applied by that unit’s power supply, subsequent analysis by QS Energy personnel of ATS test results compared against laboratory tests performed at Temple University on oil samples provided by TransCanada revealed a single test run in which the electric field generated by the AOT was sufficient to fully treat the oil given operating conditions at the time of the test. In this test run, ATS measured a 23% reduction in viscosity three hours after AOT treatment. Laboratory tests at Temple University performed on a sample of crude oil provided by TransCanada of the same type treated in that specific field test measured a 27% reduction in viscosity in the laboratory immediately following treatment. Allowing for the actual three-hour of recovery time of the field test measurement, the resulting field test viscosity reduction of 23% correlates very well to the 27% viscosity reduction achieved in the laboratory setting.


10/11/17 6:55 PM

#42314 RE: mr_sano #42289

ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The PROVEN AOT, AOT XL, JOULE HEAT & ELEKTRA technologies are all here to stay as per the RECENT PR below. NEXT

SANTA BARBARA, CA -- (Marketwired) -- 10/17/16 -- QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP) The following is a shareholder update from Greggory M. Bigger, Chief Executive Officer, QS Energy, Inc.

As we enter the final quarter of what has been a year of re-alignment for the global energy sector, I'd like to provide an update on how our business strategies have evolved to capitalize on this unique period of transformation and opportunity.

It gives me great pleasure to confirm that we are engaged in AOT provisioning discussions under Non-Disclosure Agreements with multiple crude oil producers and pipeline operators here in the U.S., Canada, and the Middle East. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our project manager John Valenti, QS Energy has expanded our engineering capabilities in response to requests for detailed technical AOT deployment proposals and to meet the growing scope of potential applications for our technology.

From the onset of the value engineering of AOT and continuing today in our ongoing design process to further optimize its performance, along with myself and our engineering team, John is currently managing our collaboration with Temple University, our supply chain system fabricators, and current industry partners in North America and the Middle East. I can state without hesitation that there is no one else as exceptionally qualified as John to manage these complex and intensely detail-oriented projects and for that reason he continues to have the fullest confidence of the Board and myself.

Although the AOT technology is now nearly fully engineered and it has become less important to staff engineering support internally, we continue to benefit greatly from these in-house resources and industry partnerships. Based on what we are currently working on with industry partners, both domestic and international, I've never been more optimistic about our technology, our industry, and our relationship with Temple University and the interrelated role they are playing in the commercialization of the AOT system.

We're especially appreciative of the outstanding laboratory testing and R&D capabilities of Temple University's Department of Physics and Dr. Tao's team. Since my tenure as Chief Executive Officer began, our focus on intensely managing expenses while maximizing the fiscal and human capital resources available to us has been integral to positioning our solutions for today's new energy industry landscape and will continue to be central to QS Energy's path forward in developing and commercializing the AOT system. The present supply chain can handle 20 unit orders at a time, however additional facilities are available for larger orders.

As you are aware, in the first quarter of this year the Company embarked on an acquisitions strategy targeting undervalued assets. Over the past six months we have issued four Letters of Intent to a select group of crude oil and natural gas producers that met our stringent criteria. One of these letters was issued to the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court in Houston. While QS Energy is not abandoning this strategy, we are paying very close attention to crude oil pricing to gauge the most opportune time when conditions are optimally favorable to exercise a buy-side acquisition of cash flow positive entities.

It goes without saying that few industries are as prone to the "boom and bust" cycle of expansion and contraction as the oil and gas industry. Not unexpectedly, following the steep drop in oil spot prices in Q4 of 2014 the industry has been forced to recalibrate. Currently domestic and foreign markets appear to be slowly emerging from the price trough which triggered a widespread retrenchment and consolidation. While the U.S. rig count is gradually recovering, the tens of thousands of jobs lost will only return when spot prices recover more fully.

However, as we've documented previously, our experience has been that interest in AOT continues to grow as a result of this down cycle as producers and transporters adjust their operations to trim costs, remain solvent and survive until prices inevitably recover. By offering laboratory viscosity reduction tests of crude oil samples supplied by prospective customers, we've uniformly been able to predict efficiencies that can be gained in their pipeline infrastructures. In performing hydraulic analysis based on the specific crude oil being transported and the physical properties and operational metrics of the targeted pipeline, we are providing highly specific economic models of the bottom line benefits AOT can be expected to deliver.

We believe these factors explain why oil producers in many of the world's highest production regions are requesting proposals documenting how AOT can assist in their plans to increase crude oil flow volume and improve their ability to move hydrocarbons to market. Furthermore, as we have now definitively confirmed through commercial pipeline installations and the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) records we have collected as well as crude oil samples we have analyzed in the Temple laboratory, the value engineered AOT has documented efficacy across the full spectrum of grades of crude oil, from super heavy bitumen to super lightweight and ultralight condensates.

Our ongoing deployment of a customized AOT system on a condensate line and the well-documented efficiencies it is bringing to the movement of ultralight feedstock, a category of crude oil that is currently just under 18% of all U.S. output, is evidence of the versatility of our technology.

From our perspective, two overarching market influencers explain this heightened awareness of AOT and the measurable benefits it can potentially provide. Both of these trends are responsible for redrawing the map of oil and gas markets over the past two years and a third, the increasing focus on reducing emissions in the production and transport of hydrocarbons, holds the promise to deeply affect the oil sector in the coming years.

First, and perhaps most significantly, U.S. and foreign producers have now endured nearly nine quarters of depressed oil prices. Last week's uptick to just over $50, the first time that barrier has been eclipsed since July 2015, may portend a slow return to previous highs which could improve margins and re-ignite E&P activity. However, even a surge to the $60s or $70s would not alter some of the new realities facing the industry. The shakeout and re-alignment that began last year has resulted in a leaner and more efficient industry, a mindset that will persist for the foreseeable future. As a result, we continue to see an increased focus among pipeline operators on lowering Opex and squeezing out higher flow volume and stronger tariff income, all of which make a case for AOT deployment.

Secondly, the bright side of the continuation of OPEC's intransigent production policies has been an intense focus on infrastructure by virtually all members of the consortium. Many of these nations are almost entirely dependent on oil revenue and have been driven to near insolvency due to the global supply glut and downward pressure on prices. In response, member nations Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela, and petro-states such as Colombia, Brazil, and Ecuador have embarked on ambitious and capital-intensive modernization programs, much of this aimed at harnessing efficiency-centric technologies which provide innumerable of opportunities for AOT and Joule Heat.

Throughout the year we have documented how these efforts to expand existing infrastructure and improve delivery to markets may offer a broad range of potential applications for AOT technology. For example, in an Update on AOT Opportunities in the Middle East and South America and an August 15 2016 news release we discussed that we have issued a Letter of Intent to a national oil company in Western Asia and have produced an AOT Case Study for a sole and separate operator in the Middle East based on hydraulic analysis using crude oil samples and pipeline data provided by this prospective customer.

Thirdly, as international markets gear up to develop economically viable alternative and renewable energy sources to supplement fossil fuel, political leadership here and overseas seems poised to resurrect the idea of incentives to reduce CO2 emissions and other forms of greenhouse gas. What's changed in the equation is that some of the talk about carbon tax credits and the ability to buy and sell them on an open market is now coming from within the energy industry. For example, ExxonMobil has been lobbying Washington to develop carbon tax credit legislation and foreign energy giants which include BP Plc, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Total SA, Statoil ASA, and others, are calling for incentive programs they believe will remove uncertainty from the investment markets and bring order and transparency to the global push to reduce emissions.

Although we have long considered the "clean tech" aspects of our patent-protected industrial hardware worth noting as seen in this August 15 2014 news release, it has yet to prove prudent as a business development strategy in the absence of sufficient and tangible customer benefit. However, should a carbon tax credit incentive pass into law we believe it may offer significant opportunities for QS Energy's technologies. During my tenure as Chief Executive Officer I have had countless discussions about the role our solutions could play in achieving the twin goals of reducing CO2 output and our customers securing financial advantages through research funding and tax credits.

More often than not the topic of carbon credits has been brought up as an ancillary benefit of AOT or Joule Heat by our prospective customers. Even though such incentives were at the time purely speculative, executives at midstream companies, technologists at engineering firms, and elected officials in regulatory and economic development agencies in Utah and Louisiana made clear their interest in investigating this intently. To fully explore carbon tax credit offset benefits AOT and Joule Heat could potentially offer to producers, transporters, and operators of offloading facilities and refineries, QS Energy commissioned a Carbon Markets research paper by Loyola Marymount University. Completed in December 2014, the study documents the emerging markets for the buying and selling of carbon emission allowances or permits ("carbon trading") and the fiscal benefits that may be gained by our customers through U.S. and international tax credits.

It is also worth noting that we have just wrapped up a reengineering of our patented Joule Heat System. As a result of the testing of a new prototype, we are in the process of further refining the performance of this innovative direct heat technology. While our patents remain in force with our intellectual property attorneys Jones Walker LLP, the Company is amending and resubmitting designs and additional patentable engineering characteristics for this energy-efficient upstream heating product.

Now that the value engineering of AOT and Joule Heat are nearing completion, we are reviewing Company-owned technology, patents, and other assets related to ELEKTRA, a clean tech hardware system designed to increase fuel efficiency and improve performance of diesel engines. According to multiple industry and government studies there is potentially a strong and growing demand for technology able to mitigate CO2 and other pollutants produced by the millions of diesel engines in use today in electric plants, marine vessels, and Class I locomotives in the U.S. We will be developing additional ELEKTRA design drawings and engineering schematics for the second quarter of 2017.

As our extensive protocols of controlled loop and commercial pipeline testing has borne out, AOT can be effectively customized for virtually any crude oil viscosity reduction and flow volume improvement application producers or transporters anywhere in the world can envision. An excellent example of this can be seen in a recent request for a modified system required for a high volume offloading facility. In response to this need we are currently developing the AOT XL, a vertically mounted, multi-vessel, modular unit designed for offshore applications.

We thank our shareholders for their loyalty and support, and our industry partners and supply chain suppliers for their collaboration. As noted throughout the year in our previous Shareholder Updates, news releases and SEC filings, we remain steadfast in our belief that AOT and Joule Heat have the potential to optimize the world's massive pipeline infrastructure at a time when operational efficiency, bottom line performance, and competitive advantages are paramount objectives of the industry.

Best regards,

Greggory M. Bigger
Chief Executive Officer
QS Energy, Inc.
Toll-Free: +1-877-872-7892
Main: +1-805-845-3581

Safe Harbor Statement:
Some of the statements in this letter may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

Image Available:

Investor Relations & Media Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: (805) 845-3581

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released October 17, 2016


10/11/17 6:59 PM

#42315 RE: mr_sano #42289

INCORRECT. The funds raised were used to develop the PROVEN AOT. Sales of the PROVEN AOT are FAST APPROACHING. The PROVEN AOT is here to stay. This is about the PRESENT, NOW & the FUTURE, not what happened 15 years ago.

QS Energy Releases AOT Technical Update of Value Engineered Industrial Equipment Designed to Optimize Performance of Crude Oil Pipelines

SANTA BARBARA, CA -- (Marketwired) -- 06/27/16 -- QS Energy, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCQX: QSEP), a developer of integrated technology solutions for the energy industry, today released an AOT Technical Update documenting the functionality and operational benefits of its Applied Oil Technology crude oil pipeline optimization technology. Currently in commercialization phase and undergoing case study review with leading pipeline operators, AOT is designed to allow crude oil to flow at a higher volume by subjecting it to a high-voltage/low-amperage electrical field which decreases viscosity and reduces friction in pipelines.

"During discussions with shareholders and industry analysts we're often asked about the motivating factors which drive interest in AOT from producers and operators in Canada, South America, Europe and the Middle East," stated Greggory M. Bigger, QS Energy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman. "This document is meant to educate interested parties on how QS Energy operates and the many factors involved in reviewing the needs of our customers, determining the optimal configuration for our technology, and collaborating with executives and engineering professionals within our industry to ensure the efficient, safe and economical delivery of crude oil from oil field to market."

Based in California with supply chain partners in Casper, Wyoming, QS Energy has pioneered the use of electrical fields to improve the performance of crude oil pipelines and lower operating expenses (Opex) while favorably impacting tariff revenues at a time when the energy industry is seeking to mitigate margin compression and gain measurable efficiencies.

"From the development of the first AOT prototype, up to our latest value engineered system, our overriding goal has been to leverage our patent protected technology to provide quantifiable bottom line opportunities for our customers," Mr. Bigger added. "Extensive studies of the mechanical behavior of crude oil in pipelines have historically identified two primary factors capable of improving flow -- the lowering of the viscosity of the oil, and reducing friction within the line. AOT has demonstrated the ability to do both to an extent that pressure drop is reduced, flow volume is increased, and power consumption at pumping stations is lessened."

Technical Update: AOT (Applied Oil Technology) Crude Oil Viscosity/Friction Reduction System

Entirely designed, fabricated and tested in the United States, AOT is ISO/TS 9001-compliant and ASME-certified industrial hardware approved for use in hazardous location Class 1, Div. I. rated areas and designed to optimize the performance of crude oil pipeline infrastructures.

AOT is the energy industry's first crude oil pipeline flow improvement solution using an electrical charge to anisotropically cause a conformational change of the microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, which lowers the viscosity of the oil and improves flow. AOT has been rigorously tested by Temple University's Department of Science and Technology and the U.S. Department of Energy, and is being commercialized in collaboration with engineering teams at independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its proven efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow.

Lowers viscosity of a wide spectrum of crude oils
Reduces friction within pipelines
Counters pressure drop, reducing the amount of energy used to power pump stations
Minimizes friction loss, or the loss of pressure along the walls of the pipe
Increases flow rate and volume of crude oil transported within MAOP (maximum allowable operating pressure) ratings
Positive impact on tariff revenue for pipeline operators (transporters)
Studies are currently underway to determine effectiveness in suppressing deposition of wax, reducing sludge and hydrocarbon buildup, and suppressing turbulence

The Importance of Friction Reduction in Pipelines

To achieve efficient movement of any fluid in a pipeline, the pressure maintained in the line and the viscosity of the fluid are important factors in ensuring optimal flow. Pressure must be used to move the fluid forward, and due to friction, this is impeded to varying degrees (fluid pressure drop). When pipeline flow and pressure reach a certain point, measured in Reynolds numbers, the flow can change from stable (laminar) to chaotic (turbulent), which introduces further inefficiencies in the forward movement of the fluid. By reducing the viscosity of crude oil, AOT also mitigates friction within the pipeline which helps improve pressure loss reduction and achieve higher flow volume.

The Physics Behind AOT

The development of AOT technology has its basis in research conducted by scientists, physicists and engineers in the field of electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological suspension. Working with our research and development partner Temple University, QS Energy is able to forecast AOT performance outcomes using mathematical calculations performed by Dr. Rongjia Tao, co-developer of AOT and Chairman of Temple University's Physics Department. Among the core calculations in play are those used to determine expected viscosity reduction of crude oil, anticipated pressure drop within the pipeline, and the estimated amount of AOT operating time necessary to treat all crude oil throughout the length of a pipeline.

The Importance of Viscosity Reduction in Pipelines

Since the construction of the first pipelines to move crude oil from the well to downstream destinations such as storage tanks and refineries, the industry has sought to improve flow by various means. The use of thinners (diluents), Drag Reduction Agents (DRAs), and heat have been introduced to supplement the pipeline pressure achieved with pumping stations. Fluid viscosity plays an important role in the function of any hydraulics system and is one of the main sources of internal fluid friction. Friction is responsible for major pressure loss, a factor that must be overcome by a strong pressure gradient created by a pump. By reducing viscosity of crude oil while in transit and contributing to the reduction of friction, AOT has shown an ability to counter pipeline pressure drop, thereby improving the efficiency of the system as a whole. The reduction of power required for flow also decreases demand on pump station motors, directly reducing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted.

The Value of AOT in Today's Evolving Energy Sector

As the global oil and gas industry continues to recalibrate its operations in response to the current supply surplus, producers and transporters are investing in technologies that reduce cost and improve efficiencies. Since most pipelines are dependent on committed and uncommitted toll rates, AOT's efficacy in improving flow rates by one-and-a-half to three percent has the potential to greatly impact tariff revenues and profitability. When fully optimized, the AOT system may improve the efficiency of virtually any crude oil pipeline system, providing the opportunity for pipeline operators to reduce operating costs and drive more revenue based on applicable toll rates due to higher flow rates.

"A significant percentage of pipelines are operated at a constant pressure or power level, providing enormous opportunity for the viscosity reduction capabilities of AOT to increase pipeline capacity and flow volume and therefore boost revenues derived from tariff rates," Mr. Bigger commented. "Following several years of design refinements and the current commercialization phase, we believe AOT is uniquely positioned within the global energy industry as a cost-efficient, low maintenance solution capable of having a positive impact on the operations of oil producers and transporters during today's down cycle and well into the future. We are now ready to offer this technology as a complete turn-key, pressure drop reduction tool that can be customized to fit the needs of a variety crude oil pipeline companies."

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement:

Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About AOT™ (Applied Oil Technology)

Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, AOT (Applied Oil Technology) is the energy industry's first crude oil pipeline flow improvement solution using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of over 30 engineering teams at 19 independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its proven efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators interested in improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents the premiere solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenging period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy, Inc.

QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQX: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with leading crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors. More information is available at:

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Company Contact
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581

Investor Relations
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581