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10/11/17 12:48 PM

#21103 RE: Sylvester2017 #21093

No it won't be. The company will update the market with financials, shares issued and revenue and then investors will see what they should have done right.

They might also ask Kevin Wright to resign from the BOD for not providing quality "Board of Directors" guidance when he got the company and then structured it for Rainmaker.


10/11/17 1:11 PM

#21117 RE: Sylvester2017 #21093

Doubt it, but maybe other authorities will take a closer look at this P&D too...

Time will tell


10/13/17 2:45 AM

#21339 RE: Sylvester2017 #21093

Doubt it, it's just a warning and means
"Buyers Beware". It comes up when OTCMarket becomes aware of an ongoing P&D Campaign. But that's all they can do.
Company isn't SEC Reporting but the Disclaimer could raise some Interest imo, since it clearly states that the campaign is in place to rip-off Investors.

BTW i do not use a different Nick at any time no matter. If somebody feels like somebody is doing that at IHub, contact Admin and ask them to check.

For the Short Nonsens, lets wait til Monday when OTC has updated the latest short sale Data for this stock here:

The Stock got manipulated up again. Good for given holders but we saw the day before what will happen when whoever runs the Campaign decides to dump some shares into the market.
Given Debt Note allows the Holder to convert at .001!

Talk about an Uplist to a higher exchange? GL with that...
They would have to start to file with the SEC first.

But time will tell.