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#123470 RE: reader3 #123466


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10/11/17 9:17 AM

#123638 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this wee
icon url


10/11/17 3:36 PM

#123957 RE: reader3 #123466

if all the tremendous things come to fruition in the tremendous dd posted by reader 3- where will the pps of bvtk be down the road?
icon url


10/12/17 9:29 AM

#124545 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this week!
icon url


10/12/17 10:00 PM

#125024 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this we
icon url


10/13/17 9:02 AM

#125105 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this week!
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10/13/17 3:23 PM

#125341 RE: reader3 #123466

Great DD!
But I would like to add to your price Projections...

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

Kaiser Permanente: 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

You see, Tom already Tweeted the market potential for DHS, which comes out to be about $70 million / year potential.

You list only 229k employees and Tom projected about 277k employees for DHS, which is no big deal.

I would just like to point out the "Services and Support" cost, which would account for an additional 68% annually.

With that being said I believe the following projections would be...

DHS: 277K x 150 + 68% = 69.8 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150 + 68% = 186.48 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200 + 68% = 436.8 Million / year potential

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 + 68% = 70.3 Million / year potential.

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10/13/17 10:45 PM

#125474 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this week!
icon url


10/15/17 10:41 AM

#125647 RE: reader3 #123466

UPDATED Bravatek Mega DD (Updated 10-10-17, and now in 2 gigantic parts, and a longish part 3 for current updates)

— by reader3

Part 1: revisits the DD I put together a while ago regarding the potential for mega telecom deals

Part 2: looks at the potential for mega deals for the Ecrypt One email server. There was a lot of tweeting about this over the summer, so it’s time to take it seriously.


I've also updated the post generally to reflect the fact that BVTK is finally current!


Here’s Part 1:


We’ve all seen the hilarious poopy pants comments. (But see here for the original if you missed it…. ) We’ve all seen the dropped hints about equity investors, and billionaire friends, and the suggestion that we hold onto our seatbelts. But this is a pink sheet subpenny stock, so we discount it, massively. We trade for small percentage gains, and we are grateful to make that, rather than lose it all. Business as usual on the OTC.

But what if it isn’t business as usual? What if something massive really is coming to BVTK, and soon? How could it happen? And how soon?

On June 12, Tom made his ‘hold onto your seatbelts’ tweet, without explanation, and then didn’t appear to follow through. Subsequent inquiries from several sources have produced responses about lawyers, and stakeholders, and coming soon.

All summer, BVTK was working hard to churn out over a year's worth of financials, with audited 10-Ks, and the company is now current as of the beginning of October, 2017.

The easy assumption is that Tom expected financials to be done sooner, and was expecting to release news soon thereafter, to make sure the company was current before news was released. That’s probably partly correct.

It’s also reasonable to assume that the final details of their contract negotiations are a little more involved and taking a little more time than he’s letting on. So it’s probably a little of one, and a little of the other.

It will happen when it happens. Though it should happen soon, now that we're current.

But what kind of contract can suddenly produce such huge news and revenues that the CEO of a publicly held company would state that people will poop themselves?

The company has two basic lines of business:

1. Highly-secure email servers (and other related security software)

2. Telecom tower services

Item 1:

The whitelist-only email server with always-on encryption and antivirus is a brilliant combination of technologies. But the company is waiting for customers to start buying. Some of those purchases may be huge (hello, they’re in discussions with the U.S. military, and at least a few F1000 companies), but they are also almost certainly not final yet. There’s a long demo, trial, and decision-making process for organizations of this size to acquire major software… and a replacement email server is very major indeed. It’s not the sort of thing that Tom can predict with 100% certainty either. That kind of decision takes *time*.

So what about Item 2?

Viking telecom was a relatively small organization until very recently. Then, this spring / summer, they hired a rockstar project manager, and signed funding/profit allocation agreements with an additional 2 companies in virtually the same business. If you read the description of those agreements, it makes the companies very nearly subsidiaries. Legally independent, still, but contractually bound to allocate most of their revenue to Bravatek/Viking, while Bravatek/Viking provides funding and manages the difficult task of getting projects.

Revenues for the two deals combine to 9 million, per annum, minimum:

(2.5 Million here)

(and 6.5 Million here)

I believe this is the seed, and foreshadows, a much larger version of the same business model that is about to be revealed.

Bear in mind that Tom has been tweeting for over a month about his multiple meetings with high-dollar equity investors. What on earth for? He doesn’t need high dollar equity investors for the email server part of the business. That has already been developed, and is just starting to get major customer interest. It will sell without millions in equity infusions.

Likewise, we’re all excited about the hints Tom has dropped about being on NASDAQ sooner than we expect, and his billionaire friend and investment funds, etc. Some assume that the high-net-worth individuals are going to buy up shares on the open market, themselves; others understand that this wouldn’t require negotiations with the company, and doesn’t provide the company any cash for future projects. No, the equity investors will expect either preferred or restricted shares for their investment, and they won’t provide the cash for growth or a buyback out of charity; they expect a major return on their investment. And not just a return due to a buyback using their cash. If they wanted to run up the stock price they could damn well do that themselves. Probably any one of them could run up the stock price to 10 cents in a matter of days if they really wanted.

So what kind of major return on investment can a company with a small telecom tower service operation provide to gigantic equity investors?

Simple: they buy into a MAJOR telecom tower service operation (or perhaps two, given Tom’s communications about there being two major deals now) using the equity investors’s money, and the know-how and familiarity of their existing telecom services staff. These major tower service operations will already have major revenue, but might be regionally constrained, or might not have the cash to outcompete or acquire their larger competitors.

Enter a public company with a large group of equity investors looking over its shoulders. They can make acquisitions, or provide funding for expansion, and do it all secure in the knowledge that they will make money because the companies they are acquiring are ALREADY making money. And I wouldn't be surprised if the deal is very similar to the ones we've already seen, funding, projects, and organization in exchange for majority revenue share.

How so?

Let’s take a moment for a brief introduction to one aspect of the telecom tower industry: collocation service companies.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, telecom companies all built and operated their own towers. (Or contracted companies to put the towers up for them.) But that quickly revealed itself to be expensive and inefficient. It takes time and money to put up a tower. And if each company is putting up its own towers, then there may be almost half a dozen towers covering the same area, when all that is needed is one, with ALL the telecom company’s equipment up on it.

So the business rapidly changed. The telecom companies started selling the towers, and leasing back the space on them to locate their telecom equipment. Thus the term ‘collocation’. The collocation company builds / owns / maintains the towers, and leases the space on the towers to the telecom company, or, optimally for them, to multiple telecom companies. Maybe they also perform equipment maintenance and upgrades. Or maybe they hire subcontractors like Viking to do the actual equipment maintenance, and upgrades. Their choice.

Meanwhile, the major wireless telecom company bills wireless customers, manages the network, and pays their subcontractors and collocation companies regularly to keep their towers operational. The cost of the lease becomes a clear business expense, meaning it can probably be deducted from federal taxable revenues.

Consider this tweet:

BVTK negotiating JV agreement for large stake in Telecom site ownership/ operations worth significant multiple of announced Telecom services

A significant multiple of 9 million? Nice!!!

And that was from June 8, just days before the hold onto your seatbelts tweet, on June 12:

Let's make it simple today: "Hold on to your seat-belts" folks. We've been busy at BVTK and it'll show this week...

I’d hazard a guess that this tweet meant that an agreement in principle had been made regarding the above JV stake. But of course it’s a long way from an agreement in principle to a final contract, and the execution of the same, so we’re still waiting for that news to drop.

Another hint was dropped in the recent (accidental ?) release of a large loan agreement letter on ihub and twitter (yep, 20 mill!) :[IMG_0475.PNG

The relevant quote is: “This funding shall be provided, in Carebourn’s discretion, in support of your Build to Suit initiatives with the major telecommunication carriers”

(Also, the same 20 million is now also referenced on the company’s website, : “Please review the twenty-million-dollar letter of credit that we already have in hand and rest assured that as a publicly traded company, Bravatek has access to unlimited capital to complete even large-scale Build to Suit initiatives.” )

Look up build to suit, and telecommunications, together. The reading gets very interesting. :

The idea behind the build-to-suit concept is to shift all aspects of tower siting-including zoning, construction and maintenance, to a third party. Carriers, increasingly burdened with competitive pressures, now can pass the time, capital and risk involved with tower siting to a vendor and focus their money on their core business, say build-to-suit companies.

So how big is the telecom services, build to suit, and collocation industry?

A sizeable fraction of the US telecom industry.

Here are a few examples of public companies in this industry. (There are a lot of private companies, about which I couldn’t find detailed information, and we are probably doing our deals with one or more of these private companies. The public companies here are being provided for informational purposes only. Do not expect to see them mentioned as partners in these pending deals. They are already public, and likely can already get all the funding they need.)

Lend Lease Group ( Ticker LLC.AX:

Stock price: 17.35. Shares outstanding: 564 Million. Market cap: 10.12 Billion. Revenue 2016 15 Billion Gross Profit 2016: 1.7 Billion

Of course that particular company has other non-cell-tower properties as well, so it might not be the best example, but try this:

American Tower Corporation ( , an REIT) : Ticker: AMT

Stock price: 136.04 Shares outstanding: 425 Million Market Cap 57 Billion Revenue 2016 5.7 Billion Gross Profit 2016 3.9 Billion

Crown Castle (, another REIT): ticker: CCI

Stock price: 101.1 Shares outstanding: 366 Million; Market Cap: 36.9 Billion; Revenue, 2016: 3.9 Billion Gross Profit 2016 2.11 Billion

Additionally, read the following page, and you should get an idea of how deeply the wireless carriers are dependent on the tower owners these days:

So owning a tower owner / operator, or partnering with a couple of them, may come with significant revenue, if the money involved is significant enough to worry the major telecom companies enough that they are trying to renegotiate existing leases.

If Tom is able to strike deals with a few mid-sized private tower site operators for funding and revenue sharing, at even a fraction of the above revenue numbers, we could see a very large share price appreciation VERY QUICKLY. And if the plan is to keep making these deals until BVTK controls a nationwide cell-site development company on the order of the above public REITs? The sky is the limit!

But how can a sub penny stock make those kinds of major deals?

Again, this is where the equity investors come in. They will most likely be providing funds SPECIFICALLY to acquire or partner with existing private cell-site operators, SPECIFICALLY for the virtually-guaranteed revenue they provide. As those revenue numbers are released (and depending on who Bravatek is partnering with they could range from a few million to several hundred million), the BVTK stock price will appreciate dramatically, and be supported by massive public interest. THAT’S what is attracting the equity investors. They’ll be in for a few years at least, during which the stock price will continue to grow, and they will count their preferred or restricted stock as an asset. And they really won’t be in any rush to sell.

And that stock price appreciation can begin very soon after Tom

1. Updates financials to go current (DONE as of 10/6/17!!!)

2. Announces finalized equity investments (one set of stakeholders)

3. Announces finalized JV agreements with private telecom site operators (another set of stakeholders).

I seriously doubt 3 happens without 2, since it’s ultimately all about the money for the telecom site operators, who probably need cash to expand; and it’s likely that 2 can’t happen without 1, since many of these large equity investors will have stringent requirements for documentation and being current.

So, yes, we’re probably all waiting on financials, and the auditors. Tom is probably as impatient as the rest of us.

On July 24th, BVTK released one of the most indicative PR’s yet:

Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC-PINK:BVTK) announces that it has formed a Joint Venture ("JV") firm called BravatekST, LLC for the sole purpose of addressing its mega-sales pipeline opportunities.

Note that BravatekST is the same company referenced in the Carebourn letter for the 20 million. So this joint venture firm is going to be the vehicle for some very large telecom initiatives, with addressable revenue probably many multiples of the 20 million LOC.

There’s been speculation that this joint venture firm and mega deals have to do with AT&T’s recent contract to build the nationwide first responder’s network, FirstNet, which was a multi-billion contract from the federal government, because the states where BVTK’s new partners are located were some of the first states to opt-in for FirstNet.

There has also been some speculation that it might be targeted to help T-mobile expand its network to be truly competitive with AT&T and Verizon on a nation-wide basis. First, because of a tongue-in-cheek description of Bravatek’s Viking Telecom as “your un-landlords” on, which seems to be a sly reference to T-Mobile’s “Un-carrier” marketing campaign; and second because T-mobile just spent billions buying new broad-spectrum licenses, which will have to be built out aggressively this year and next for the company to profit: ….and….

…And the contracts for these build-outs are probably still being pinned down.

Whatever it is, we’ll find out pretty soon. I don’t know how much longer it will take Cellucci to get all his ducks in a row, but once he does, it really could be explosive.

Know what you own, folks, and hold on for dear life.

UPDATE!!! On September 21, BVTK released an 8-K regarding an LOI to acquire HelpComm in its entirety.

Whatever the exact plan for telecom, it's clearly moving forward.


And Here’s Part 2:


I am increasingly convinced that one or more of the mega-deals Tom Cellucci is working on is in fact for the Ecrypt One email server product, probably for the U.S. military or related government organizations. So I’m going to take a little time to examine the publicly available evidence.

Firstly, as background, let’s acknowledge that cybersecurity failures have been in the news a LOT this year.

Secondarily, also as background, there’s the May 11 Trump executive order on ‘Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure’ which directly orders the U.S. federal government to improve its IT security in ways that overlap pretty closely with the email server product we provide:

There was 60 days to present this plan, which ended this summer.

Thirdly, a little info about the email server itself:

Our email server operates on a whitelist only basis, so that

Only authorized people or organizations can email IN
Only authorized people or groups can email OUT
Only authorized people or groups can send attachments in or out

This basic architecture, itself, is almost enough to stop most worms and viruses in their tracks since any IT professional knows the weakest link in antiviral security is the extremely poor judgement of users who click on almost EVERYTHING that is sent to them, without critical thought. (Yes, I’m in IT, and it can be sad how trusting some people are.) By allowing only approved users to send email into the organization, you should very nearly eliminate fishing and similar operations designed to seed your organization with a viral payload.

The server, however, also combines standard spam identification features, anti-virus plugins, audit capabilities, and encryption capabilities to further secure email and make breaches more difficult.

These capabilities will be attractive not only to the U.S. military and government, but also to

Banks, which are often the target of sophisticated email fishing operations;
Hospitals networks, which are increasingly ripe, but soft, targets for data hostage-taking, and which moreover must abide by data security regulations which would only be helped by restrictions on the ability to email OUT
Any large corporations that are growing nervous about the potential for a massive breach, emailed viral payload, or data hostage-taking.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might now be thinking, “hey, that’s great in theory, but where’s the evidence anyone is interested?”

Well, read on. I’ll address that shortly, but first there are some basic numbers you should have in mind as you read. Software can be sold on several different models. A simple sale is often used for individual users, but large organizations often pay a license on a per-seat basis. That appear to be the model BVTK is making available.

So, fourthly, consider, please, the eCrypt pricing structure, which lists:

$150 per seat per year for government clients,

$200 per seat, per year for military clients, and

$225 per seat outside of government or military:

The original source for this appears to have been the Price List that appears helpfully on the Bravatek Sales library, here:

What would this pricing structure mean if some big organizations that might be considering it were to purchase it across the board?

Consider the US Department of Homeland Security, with 229 thousand, employees, per wikipedia ( ) ; or the U.S Department of Defense, with 740 thousand civilian, and 1.3 million active duty military ( )

DHS: 229K x 150 = 34.3 Million / year potential

DOD, civilian: 740K x 150: 111 Million / year potential

DOD, military: 1.3M x 200: 260 Million / year potential

And outside of the government? Consider the size of one major hospital and insurance organization in this country, Kaiser Permanente, based in California, with 186 thousand employees, and billions in revenue: ( )

Kaiser Permanente 186K x 225 = 41 Million / year potential.

I chose Kaiser Permanente semi-randomly, because there is a connection with BVTK through the past work of the wife of the VP of Sales; however, in truth, that kind of connection is no guarantee they will be working with us. But now consider that Kaiser Permanente is only one of several large hospital networks in this country:

And NOW, FINALLY, let’s look at the evidence that Bravatek’s Ecrypt One is being seriously considered by at least a few of these large organizations:

On June 29, a PR was released stating that BVTK had signed 3 Fortune 1000 companies to Pilot Programs (read: trials). One company is in Health Care, one in IT, and one in Aerospace / Defense.

ACCESSWIRE / June 29, 2017 / Bravatek Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: BVTK), a next generation cyber security software, hardware and solutions provider, today announced that it has agreed to terms to launch pilot programs with 3 prominent Fortune 1000 companies in the fields of health Care, IT services and Aerospace/Defense. Mr. Jim Brown, Senior Vice President of Sales has been working diligently to coordinate the launch of our Pilot Program and these agreements signify a healthy trend that is just beginning to show the significant potential for our patent-pending software email solution, Ecrypt One.

If you feel like playing the guessing game as to *which* health care company it is, by all means, go ahead. Here are some of the Healthcare companies just in the Forbes 500, as of 2016. Note that this doesn’t include Kaiser Permanente, since it’s legally a non-profit (but, ahem, a very wealthy one):

What about Aerospace / Defense, and IT? Well, there are almost too many of them to bother making a list, and I’m getting sidetracked…

So, lastly, let’s focus on the tweeted speculation and tweeted documentation regarding BVTK and the U.S Military and related government organizations. Tom’s tweets etc. in that regard have been out of this world.

So let’s review the statements regarding military deals that may be in the works:

First, from the June 29 PR, a further statement:

The early success of our pilot program has made it clear that corporations, as well as government and military agencies, are now seriously looking for the security benefits that Ecrypt One provides.

Then, from the endless sea of twitter:

June 16, Company tweet: BVTK Board updated on two "company game changer" late-stage sales negotiations. Input was required due to the magnitude of opportunities...

June 21, Company tweets: Board members proudly tell BVTK management: "This changes everything"!

Same day: “BVTK's full steam ahead in using SEWP contract with talks with DHS and DOD…”

July 10: 3rd-party tweeted email exchange: “Are you saying this isn’t the game changer we’ve been waiting for?” “Exactly—you guys will SHIT YOUR PANTS on the game changers”

July 11, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO invited to give detailed brief at NATO Headquarters on Monday, July 17, 2017 (fyi--not open to the public)…”

July 18, company tweets: “NATO and Smithsonian (Jim Brown) yesterday...DHS today with Jim Brown (BVTK's VP of Sales) who's still in town with BVTK's CEO…”

Same day: “Pentagon folks tomorrow…”

July 19: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales and CEO "on the road" today meeting with US Government and military organizations to close Ecrypt One business...

July 20: Company tweet: BVTK's VP of Sales left D.C. yesterday after several successful meetings and now is in Chicago "spread the word" at meeting about Ecrypt One

Editorial comment: So the several meetings July 19 to close business with the U.S. government and military were successful? Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us more!

July 20: Tweeted photo of Tom Cellucci with the NATO supreme commander, as well as some other recognizable figures, such as US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren (original source Tom Cellucci’s FB page):

July 21, tweeted text exchange: “Nothing comes close to these mega orders we’re working”

July 21, Company tweet: "Excellent progress made on legal front with game changers...“

July 22, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “We have mega orders to come—the size you haven’t seen in OTC” “Who are these mega orders with, government?” “Both gov and telecom”

July 25, Company tweet: Positive Feedback from last week's NATO visit is overwhelming...

July 28, 3rd-party tweeted text exchange. “How is progress on mega deals?…” “All Going well” “With Gov or military?” “Both” … “working with Nato DHS DOD, etc” : …. (For anyone who is unfamiliar with the acronyms, those last two are Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense)

August 4, company tweet of a thank-you letter from US Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Lofgren, who is currently Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development for the NATO Headquarters Allied Command Tranformation …. NATO currently has two commands, which can be thought of as current operations, and forward-thinking transformation. This is the forward-thinking transformation command. These are the guys in charge of determining what comes next.

So in sum, there is plenty of evidence that there is more than one mega deal, that one is with telecom, and that one or MORE are with the government and/or military.

Now that we're current, it shouldn't be long for final details to be ironed out on these deals; and then news bomb after news bomb will be coming our way.


And Here’s Part 3, regarding recent progress:


During the month of August, more or less, the company put out a 10-K filing, and three 10-Q filings, on an accelerating cadence. Then, finally, at the beginning of October, the last 10-Q necessary to go current was released. YES, BVTK IS CURRENT NOW! These weren't great financials, since the company was rebuilding… the point is to go current and prepare the company for the big news to come. But everyone is wildly impatient for the big news, NOW NOW NOW (including yours truly), and have been discounting the massive progress being made in getting current and building Marketing Alliance Partnerships (MAPs) with complementary companies.

So let’s consider one of these new MAP companies… One of the biggest is probably going to be CrucialTrak, which just won best-in-show at the ISC West Show earlier this year for it’s four-method biometric identification scanner, BACS, which can identify people in one second or less based on facial, retinal, touchless fingerprint, and palm vein pattern.

On October 10, BVTK released a 10-K for a LOI to create a JV with CrucialTrak, with BVTK owning 35% of the joint venture. ...clearly Dr. Cellucci sees some serious potential with this one, and is strengthening the agreement to improve our position when contracts are signed.

This follows the earlier announcement of CrucialTrak as a MAP:

Some marketing videos about the CrucialTrak BACS system:

The speed and convenience of this system rivals card swiping and RFID technologies, which means we may be at what is known as an inflection point, the point at which a new system can be adopted rapidly because it outcompetes existing systems for any of speed, convenience, or price. Furthermore, as a touchless system, CrucialTrak’s BACS does not itself become an infectious disease vector, as touch fingerprint systems sometimes can.

Check out the company’s website for more about the BACS solution:

And again, as with the eCrypt One email system, CrucialTrak almost directly addresses a recent directive from Donald Trump:

Sec. 7. Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall expedite the completion and implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system for all travelers to the United States, as recommended by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Given the quality and speed and ease-of-use of the CrucialTrak system, it has a good chance at winning contracts with the federal government at international airports nationwide, as well as at other security locations.

By adding CrucialTrak to its product offerings, BVTK significantly strengthens its security product portfolio. This isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Also, you should probably read Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews... if he's right that this is going to play a role in a federal roll-out of biometric ID systems at international airports, etc, it really could be huge:

ALSO TAKE NOTE!!!! On September 5, Bravatek signed a breathtaking MAP agreement with DarkPulse, which may be providing monitoring capabilities to the US-Mexico border wall, if all goes well. The full 8-K for the deal can be found at:

The technology is also suited to monitoring mining, pipelines, and a variety of other scenarios, including smart cities. The 8-K makes it clear that BVTK will make 10 - 20% from any DarkPulse deals.

On September 12, less than a week after BVTK's 8k, DarkPulse, a privately held company, released a PR on their website, for a $22 million deal facilitated by BVTK:

From the PR: "The $22 million deal is with one of Europe’s largest Infrastructure & Mining Companies" and "This is the first segment of a multi-year agreement under which Arizona-based DPT will build the technology infrastructure and perimeter security systems for a large Infrastructure group and support 7 infrastructure and perimeter security deployments throughout Europe, according to a company statement. DarkPulse’s technology infrastructure monitoring agreement would total more than $100 million."

With the 10-20% cut per the 8-K, Bravatek stands to make a substantial profit on this deal. In fact, it may be more than that. The DarkPulse twitter account retweeted a third-party tweet of a text from Tom Cellucci stating that BVTK gets "at least 20% which goes right to the bottom line":

The DarkPulse twitter account has also been vocally supportive of BVTK in the days since the PR was released.

From 9/13/17: "Words of wisdom: any CEO that signs a deal for the sake of signing deals is a fool.. this guy is no fool"

Same day: "Referring to comments on an investor hub type of site that claimed the BBTK [BVTK] deal I signed was "fluff" - my job is to raise revenue not fluff" :

And just in case there's any doubt, yes it was a "Typo.. $BVTK"

There was a also a September 7 third party tweet of a text that provided important background info: "Darkpulse sales with Gov, DoD, DHS go thru Bravatek SEWP contract vehicle"

From 9/19/17, screenshot and posted on iHub 10/1, Tom Cellucci posted on Facebook that "We get 20% of 137 M through our MAP agreement (equates to 27.4 M)"

From 9/22/2017: "Relationship with $BVTK continues to expand; deal finalised for India agency agreement valued $1B + ...Key Hire... PR soon"

From 9/25/17 "Meetings with various heads of state this week.. finalising partnership agreements... team continues to grow.. key alliances lining up"

From 9/29/17: "One signature away from Indian Subcontinent,Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bhutan - all of Middle East and Africa" @FedEx

From 10/2/17: "Very productive weekend working with Dr. Cellucci $bvtk looking forward to a very busy week.. India done deal PR soon"

AND YES, on 9/28/17 BVTK released an 8-K regarding a joint venture being created with DarkPulse in which BVTK would be a 40% owner. So we're getting a substantial piece of that ever-expanding pie. (HELLOOO... Did you see that $1B above?)

Finally, a DarkPulse tweet from today, 10/10/17, just minutes ago while I was working on this update: "Back in the Saddle.. PR's coming this week"

Earlier, I said this one could be EXTREMELY lucrative. However, if they're talking about billion-dollar deals, EXTREMELY might be an understatement.


FINALLY, some recent tweets to keep track of what’s happening behind the scenes:

October 10, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK promised to be current last week--it did. Today we commit to getting big news out starting today--we will!" Note that both the language of the tweet, and subsequent inquiries by several posters have strongly suggested that there is more coming than "just" the LOI with CrucialTrak. (Which could be huge one day in its own right.)

Same day: "Proud to have Chuck as Board Member at BVTK...We will announce shortly interview with Chuck and Tom C.--BVTK's Chairman&CEO"

October 6, company tweet in the AM: "BVTK folks CURRENTLY pushing hard—prepping for crazy good next week..." Note that the company released the final 10-Q to go current that afternoon, shortly before market close... As of 10/10 we're still waiting on 'crazy good' for this week.

September 22, company tweet: "BVTK CEO and DarkPulse CEO working together on larger business opportunities..."

Same day: "Due Diligence moving briskly with HelpComm...Our current IDIQs will get folded into acquisition...Visit by investor this Sunday/Monday..."

September 7, company tweet: “BVTK's CEO in meetings about Ecrypt One with large ($1 B scale) cyber firm tomorrow in D.C. area...Fourth firm interested in Ecrypt One…”

September 2, 3rd party tweet of text, question about “Well over 500 Million in Revenues”? Answer… “Why do you think so small?”

September 1 & 2, 3rd party tweet of text, “"CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today." How did it go? TRULY AWESOME says Tom!! Umm, Revenues are going to EXPLODE!” or, for pic:

September 1, the company tweet that was referenced: “BVTK's CEO discussing MAP with approx. $1 B revenue firm today...Also, discussions with two other large Healthcare providers for Ecrypt One.”

Same day, another company tweet: Working ALL holiday weekend at BVTK to get current quickly. Also, we are negotiating potential acquisition with Telecom firm.

Same day, 3rd party tweet of email…. somewhat cryptic, mostly just a feel-good moment, but it looks like this one goes to 11:

August 31, 3rd party tweet of text, “Already have two serious sales prospects for two huge Healthcare networks…”

August 28, Thomas Cellucci post to Bravatek FB Fan Page: “Folks--take it from a guy who turns around companies--we have never been so busy at BVTK. We have equity folks asking what we could do with $50-70 M investment; more firms looking to acquire Ecrypt One business than we thought possible; and more business than we can handle in Telecom...Onward!!!”

August 28, Company tweet confirms no RS: “"ABSOLUTELY"says BVTK's CEO about getting current with its FINS and "NO" to BVTK management's desire for RS!!! "YES" to equity commitments.”

August 23, 3rd-party tweet of a text… “Have 8 equity offers to date for real $$$ to blow the roof off” …

August 18, 3rd-party tweet of email about the Trump biometric entry-exit system: …. Celluci’s response was purposely enigmatic, so take it as you will.

August 11, the day the first CrucialTrak PR was released, a 3rd party tweet of a text, confirmation that CrucialTrak isn’t the ‘hold on to your seatbelts news’ but is big in its own way:

And from August 2, a 3rd party tweet of an email about going to NASDAQ… to confirm what has been mentioned elsewhere several times… the answer is Yes.

From August 1, a 3rd party tweet of an email about a 50-70 million $ investment group

Again, we don’t know exactly when all of this will be revealed, but it’s coming, and the ride isn’t one you want to miss. There’s going to be a lot of money pouring into this ticker very soon.

LASTLY, some additional reading, if you’re so inclined:

Telephone updates from MrCarnita, 8/5/17, and Derek Hunt, 8/12/17, in which Derek Hunt says there are deals coming worth far more than $100 Million:

CWatt250’s highly visual and very excellent DD compendium :

Another quick update from MrCarnita… it shouldn’t be long before we find out about BVTK’s huge deals:

In case you missed it above, Nick Serrano's DD on CrucialTrak, as posted by jmmatthews:

As always, know what you own, and HOOOOLD! This is going to be a crazy ride when all the news starts to be released. Now that BVTK is current, it should be very soon, maybe starting this week!