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12/20/17 2:47 AM

#658 RE: DeepDive #657

Up 3$ since their sell, sell, sell call. Safe, but dumb.

In the meanwhile, it is safe to say the market gained understanding about how ATVI, as a business, is really a changed creature from the days of selling one time hackable CD's via expensive distributors.

Overwatch league is starting in 10th January and sponsors are paying up.

Revenue shifted from new games to new episodes in a game and microtransactions as repeat business.

New mobile games are being created.

If you want to understand WHY ATVI is so great an investment, just take the time to calculate what is the Net Tangible Asset (actual property used to generate profit) and then, compare that to EBIT. They use ~ 258 million (half of EA) PPE to generate 1.41 Bill. Ebit (which does not include the full yearly subscriptions, next month;s microtransactions and includes amortization that arguably is too agressive for assets that last >20 years in some cases. in this aspects they are way better than NFLX and among the top of the FAANG stocks. In other words, they PRINT cash, and GOBS of it. No wonder they were ready to take out Vivendy and shrink their share count.

The best?

They are just starting now.

There is so much to like here, and yet most people will try to earn a buck here, a buck there trading.

I guess that is why we never hear about billionairs that became so by trading.

$ATVI is going to be >> 10 Bagger from 10$, and smart investors (but not traders) will make millions in the process.
