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10/09/17 3:12 PM

#235808 RE: IndustryParticipant #235801

The constant barrage of negatives is not for the current equity holders,
but for those that are just lurking and attempting to gather info with a cursory glance.

Num knows his intentions, whatever they are; usually misleading or misrepresenting some half truth.

Capt. Obvious here...
the constant posting pushes legit talking points off the first (main) page.
lurkers generally don't go back too far, especially with the over-abundance of bullcrappy posts that don't offer much intelligence or insight.

4.4M in volume, as of 3:05EST, shows that there is interest here.

Again, I'm holding $TRTC through the Holidays 2018.

And remember, lurkers, this business is illicit in the eyes of the feds.
Thus, a number of different perspectives apply. Insider's behavior will be different than that of your normal "widget" business. They're under a different set of guidelines and constraints.



10/09/17 3:51 PM

#235815 RE: IndustryParticipant #235801

I used his numbers : Blum Reno is the #1 money maker and I used their numbers across the board.

Past Margins were 7% so I thought I was being fair and doubled it to 14%.

Then expenses.....I thought I was being fair by reducing expenses by 50% !!

But even with those .........the company is still in the red.......


10/09/17 7:14 PM

#235837 RE: IndustryParticipant #235801

What? I hope this isn't serious - "Why would one utilize previous financials, be that the last 1, or the last 8, for an entity whose operations are not even yet open?"

That is too funny - just ignore past toxic funding - ignore dilution - ignore the insiders gifting themselves stock...

That is absolutely the most ridiculous statement I have read about doing research and DD. Hell, it is time to break out the MM manipulation - MM signals (911 news coming out LMAO!) - the nefarious offshore naked shorters - the infamous MOASS...

Once again the fixation on revenue is a rookie investor mistake and a simplistic understanding of a financial statement.

When you look at the TRTC assets and see that $51 million is from Intangible assets and Goodwill - out of the Total Assets of $77 million - that is a huge red flag totally misunderstood by most TRTC investors.

So when you ask: "Why would one utilize previous financials, be that the last 1, or the last 8, for an entity whose operations are not even yet open?" - it shows a complete lack of understanding of basic business practices.