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10/08/17 10:46 AM

#5006 RE: tisdal #5005

This is an excellent post and should be read by anyone who has a mustard seed worth of faith. The wisdom of Tisdal transcends time.

Prophetic Watchman

10/08/17 11:48 AM

#5009 RE: tisdal #5005

great summary... but all wishful thinking

you can IMHO or read another's words any way you want. but if they had found commercial quantity oil, they would have announced it already.

you can suppose they are waiting for 3rd party, or some other reason, but in the end, the longer they don't announce what they have, its a repeat of last time.

then, this was the last straw for zion. do or die.

the reason they don't announce is to continue to receive a paycheck.


10/09/17 12:41 PM

#5055 RE: tisdal #5005

Excellent analysis regarding John Brown's recent update -Thank you Tisdal!

John Brown quoted:
There Will Be No More Delays

The time of waiting is over. Our quest is successful. The finding of hydrocarbons will no longer tarry.

IMHO: I absolutely KNOW that Zion Oil and Gas has found oil. It's already been stated and it has been Third Party verified. I have seen nothing to prove otherwise, and in fact, the tone of their releases have been of such a bold and positive nature, that I am convinced they have a lot. The real question is what is holding them from releasing details of the find. They are waiting geological analysis of the third party verified zones of interest and analysis of the zones of interest at a deeper level in MJ#1.

To be absolutely honest, they will not be able to be completely sure until the analysis phase.

I do have friends in this business. They just got done drilling an exploratory well here in the States. That well went to 28,000 feet. My friend told me, "We hope we have a gusher, but we need to complete the analysis phase to be sure". Guess how many of the investors have been told they have a gusher ... None. They do not share such information until they know for sure what they have. Sure, the investors get "We have positive signs", "Things are progressing well, and we are encouraged by what we have seen" (pretty much what Zion has been telling it's investors), but private investors are not privy to the belief of what MAY BE contained in an exploratory well until after the analysis phase confirms what they have found. To do otherwise is irresponsible and could cause legal implications. It is legally wise to wait until confirmation is received.

The brutal truth is that most investors do not understand how this works in the oil prospecting business. With Zion's last well, they announced that they had hydrocarbon shows. After the analysis phase, they found that it was not commercially viable and then declared a dry hole.

This time around, they got Third Party Confirmation. The answer to the question that I have been asking everyone to speculate on, "Why did Zion get Third Party confirmation", is that they did not do that last time and they are well aware that this time they had to, otherwise, short sighted investors (pun intended) would be screaming, "They said the same thing last time and look how that turned out". This time its not just Zion stating that they have hydrocarbons (oil) in the well, but it has been confirmed by a third party.

It could still turn out to be a dry hole (welcome to the risky nature of the business and this specific investment), but we are a long way from knowing for sure how this is going to turn out. Commercial viability will be discovered during the analysis phase, not the exploratory well phase. This is not the Beverly Hillbillies.

They already have told us that they have oil. That is third party verified, but as stated in the last press release, the cannot yet comment on specific amounts or on it's commercial viability. That will take place in the analysis phase.

If it were not for these “failures”, I would not have the resolve in my faith that I have today and would not have been able to persevere to be able to witness the miracle of Zion and where we stand today.

Question: Where does Zion stand today? Today, the market says they stand at the door of doom and gloom.

IMHO: The market is wrong. I am more convinced that there is a powerful hedge fund that started a short attack on Friday after Mr. Brown's video. They saw an opportunity to short the stock and took advantage of the uncertainty of ignorant investors who do not understand the oil business. The sad part is that a lot of long term investors fell for it.

The short position saw it as an opportunity because Zion Oil and Gas has a consistent timeline with respect to when they release their information. They consistently release then wait one or two weeks to release again; therefore, the opportunity to take advantage of the less "savvy" investor was there.

I believe the Mr. Brown is announcing that Zion (or the Miracle of Zion and where is stands today) is standing at the sight of the future oil independence of Israel. That Zion has made it here (or Mr. Brown for that matter) is a Miracle in and of itself. This is a statement of VICTORY.

God has proven faithful in His deliverance of Zion in so many ways, highlighted by the fact that He continues to shower us with faithful shareholders, talented employees, favor with Israel and protection from the enemy during our operations.

Question: Delivered from What?

IMHO, by delivery, Mr. Brown is speaking to the consistent way he has witnessed Zion get into a tight spot and yet somehow, their needs are met. Mr. Brown (and I) believe this is divine intercession or deliverance. Case in point, they began drilling MJ#1 clearly stating that they did not have the funds to finish and were moving forward on Faith that He would provide.

I remember participating on this board during the early phase of drilling and we all wondered if they would get the funds to finish. We all wondered if the current warrant program would supply enough capital to complete the well. We found out that they had and that it did. In fact, as is usual when dealing with Him, Zion's cup overflowed and they had raised more than enough to complete the well. We all did happy dances over that knowledge ... One less hurdle.

Also, IMHO, I believe Mr. Brown is referring to how strongly positive they are that they do have an oil bearing well, but they cannot be 100% certain until they are able to scientifically and geologically prove the production capability of the well. To do otherwise would be irresponsible.

This is where the title of the Video comes into play most of all, "There Will Be No More Delays". They believe they have it, this is the best way to tell investors that we will not have to wait till next time, this time. The discovery of the oil will no longer tarry as stated in the scripture at the beginning of the video.

It has taken 36 years to be able to have the platform that Zion has today to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through the blessing of, what I believe, is the security and energy independence for Israel.

If success had been immediate, in my own humanity, I may have attested this success to my own ability and understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Question: What success? He just got done telling us his failures.

All of these statements portend a great ending to a 36 year struggle. It's Bold and positive.

While I would be remiss if I didn’t confess that previous operational setbacks have been disappointing, the fact remains that this is a “ journey of faith” and more times than not, our faith is tested (1Peter 1:3-7, James 1:2-4).

If it were not for these “failures”, I would not have the resolve in my faith that I have today and would not have been able to persevere to be able to witness the miracle of Zion and where we stand today.

This is not a message of doom and gloom. This is a message of potential and good reports to come.