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10/08/17 1:53 AM

#273458 RE: fuagf #273457

HPV deaths hidden by deliberate bad science, say researchers

Medical researchers have accused drug manufacturers and regulators of playing dirty tricks to conceal the real harm that is being done by the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines given to adolescent girls.

Deaths, permanent injuries and life-threatening reactions have been hidden, dismissed and minimized by scientists working for the vaccines' manufacturers.

They've also played a scientific sleight of hand by adding aluminium (US: aluminum), a neurotoxin, to the placebo, so reducing the ratio of reported reactions to the actual vaccine.

Yet, despite testing the vaccines against aluminium placebos, more young girls died after being vaccinated; 14 of the 2,881 who were vaccinated died afterwards compared to three given the placebo. And 3 per cent—or 212 girls—of the 7,071 given the highest dose of the HPV jab suffered a serious adverse reaction.

Researchers from the National Institute of Cardiology in Mexico took another look at 28 studies that explored the impact of the three HPV vaccines that have been on the market up to last January.

Only two of the 16 randomized trails—where a placebo is tested against the active drug—only two used an inert saline solution; the rest added aluminium to the placebo, thus increasing the chance that a patient will react to it.

Independent safety trials have borne out the researchers' findings.

Spanish researchers discovered a 10-fold higher rate of adverse reactions compared to other vaccines, while Canadian scientists concluded that one in 10 people vaccinated with the HPV need emergency hospital treatment within 42 days of vaccination.

The vaccine is given to protect against cervical cancer.

Spain High Court Rules HPV Vaccine Caused Death of Young Woman


The High Court of Justice of Asturias-Spain (TSJA) has condemned the Asturian Health System for the death of Andrea, a young Spanish girl who died in September 2012 after getting the second shot of the HPV vaccine.
The Court recognizes the bad practice of the hospitals of Jove and Cabueñes since they did not diagnose the pathology before the second shot of the vaccine was supplied which caused the death of the young woman. The court decision was handed down in February, 2017.

Andrea was a young woman with a medical history of mild episodes of bronchial asthma. When she got the first shot of the HPV vaccine on July 23, 2012, she became ill with a headache and breathing difficulty.

Although she suffered from a severe asthmatic exacerbation, she got the second shot on August 23, 2012, with a sudden worsening. As a result of this, she suffered severe dyspnea and seizures only 12 hours after receiving the vaccine. She was moved to the Maternal and Child Hospital of the HUCA where she remained in the Pediatric Intensity Care Unit until she died on the 8th of September.

The judicial sentence acknowledges that there is a causal link with the vaccine, between the second shot and her death, despite the fact that at the trial, the Administration took advantage of the fact that the vaccine is fully endorsed by drug regulatory agencies throughout the country and that the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) –with regard to this case reporting — determined that there was insufficient evidence to suggest a causal association with the vaccine. The paradox of this study and its lack of scientific rigor is clear as the Committee agreed to maintain an investigation on the signal.

The Association of Affected People in Spain by the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (AAVP) has been demanding since 2009 many other cases of affected victims collected in our database. We have repeatedly called on the Health Authorities of Spain to recognize adverse reactions, documented many of them in the HPV vaccines databases, in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) databases, in the Spain one and in the HPV scientific literature. Andrea´s case in not unique.

There are at least five more reports of deaths collected in the database of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Sanitary Products, not mentioning all the reports collected in the EMA database. In spite of all this, the Health Authorities and the Pharmaceutical Company continues to deny recognition of any adverse reaction. The most regrettable of all is that they blame the young women in their adverse state of health, stigmatizing them and referring all this to psychological problems, a matter which of course lacks any scientific basis, since no epidemiological studies which prove the causality of the adverse reactions experienced by many young women and the vaccine have been carried out in Spain.

We regret once again the poor performance of the Health Authorities that are not carrying out an adequate evaluation and monitoring system, as well as looking elsewhere instead of looking after the health of girls and young women who have had the misfortune to suffer adverse reactions as a result of a Public Health policy that seems to defend more economic and political interests than health ones. We must not forget that this immunization is applied to healthy young people and it is also in its implementation phase so that Pharmacovigilance systems should act with due diligence and responsibility.

We are pleased that for the first time in Spain, in court, the causal link of an adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine is recognized. We show our support to Andrea´s family because despite their misfortune they have been supported by a judicial sentence that finally protects them. It was time for justice!

Alicia Capilla
President AAVP

Gardasil linked to deaths and disabilities after young girls vaccinated: Toronto Star investigation - 2015

TORONTO, February 13, 2015 ( -- Since its introduction in 2007 in the U.S. and Canada, the Gardasil vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer and genital warts, has been injected in more than 50 million people in more than 130 countries, mostly young women.

But concern over serious side effects and deaths following inoculations has grown enough for the Toronto Star to mount a lengthy investigation. It found more than 50 Canadian girls who developed serious medical conditions after their injections with Merck’s Gardasil (15 hospitalized) and in the U.S, more than 100 deaths and tens of thousands of reports of adverse effects.

While the Canadian government spent $300 million to promote anti-HPV inoculation and provincial governments paid for Grade 8 girls to get it, Catholic school systems and Catholic bishops opposed it, led by Calgary’s Fred Henry. They cited not only the side effects but also their concern that giving a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease to Grade 8 girls would send a message of tacit approval of premature sexual behavior.

The Star found plenty of parents who believe the vaccine caused their daughters’ illnesses and, on the contrary, a consensus of public health officials and medical professionals who dismiss all such claims.
For example, they quote Dr. Jennifer Blake, president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, saying, “I’m extremely comfortable that this is a safe vaccine.”

That coincidence translated into pressure from school authorities on parents and their daughters, who claim the risks of side-effects were ignored or discounted. One Ontario girl, Kaitlyn Armstrong, said her guidance counselor “told us it was going to protect us from cervical cancer, it’s a really good idea to get it. She was pushing it. She didn’t talk about any complications or any of that stuff.” The Star chronicles her gradual loss of strength and abandonment of all physical activities.

Merck devotes several pages of its technical report on Gardasil to its side effects, the Star reported, but other parents and young women claim they never heard about them (Merck says its own research found only five serious cases out of 11,000 vaccinations during testing.).
Armstrong remembers telling the nurse who injected her she had an allergy to metal but, even though aluminum salts are an ingredient of Gardasil, she was given the vaccine.

Debbi Vinnedge, founder of Children of God for Life, a watchdog organization focused on vaccines and research using human fetal tissue, told LifeSiteNews, “Gardasil does not contain aborted fetal tissue but its side effects, its side effects are very, very serious.” But even though it lies outside its area of concern, COG for Life received so many questions and complaints from parents, the organization produced a pamphlet listing concerns and research on side effects.

Among a “partial list” of 16 adverse effects the pamphlet lists are miscarriage, stillbirth, ovarian cysts, genital warts, multiple sclerosis, lupus, paralysis, and stroke. One overarching explanation is that, for many, Gardasil may weaken the immune system. How many?

The pamphlet claims more than 28,000 reports of such negative effects were made to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System by 2012, as had 128 deaths—all within the population of girls aged 9 – 24.

Vinnedge said one problem with Gardasil is that it was tested for five years but “the HPV virus can lie dormant for 20 years.” She questions whether its effectiveness against the virus is properly proven over the long term. A second problem: “It gives people a false sense of security,” encouraging teenage girls to take sexual risks, when “it only works against four out of 100 different forms of HPV.”

Sanevax is another organization devoted to reporting on safe and unsafe vaccines. Its website is crammed with ominous research into Gardasil and first-hand horror stories and recent news.

Among the latter: a report from Colombia of hundreds of school girls hospitalized after vaccination with Gardasil, and from the U.S. a surge in fatality reports related to recent vaccinations with Gardasil and another problematic HPV vaccine, Cervarix.

Gardasil’s defenders note that new vaccines often are followed by claims of adverse impacts, but these are not the same as proof. In a Forbes Magazine article in 2012, health reporter Matthew Herper took on those 28,000 reports to VAERS. “It’s true that there have been 24,000 reports of adverse events with Gardasil. (All of these numbers come from the VAERS database…) There have also been 60,000 reports of death with the mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine, and 26,000 following vaccination with Pfizer’s Prevnar, for pneumococcus bacteria.”

Teenagers die, Herper explains, and some die after getting their HPV shots. But the people tasked with analyzing VAERS data ruled out almost all of the adverse reports alleged against Gardasil after investigating the first 12,000. They advised doctors and nurses to be on the lookout for girls fainting after their shots.

But Norma Erickson, the president of Sanevax, questions that analysis. “I know some survivors of those first 12,000 reports and none of them has ever spoken to any investigators.” Erickson told LifeSiteNews, “we know those reports are anecdotal but that is where scientific investigations start.” She cited the case of Thalidomide, an anti-nausea drug that came under investigation in the late 1950s only after anecdotal reports linking it to newborn babies with deformities.

Erickson suggested two Gardasil ingredients may be causing the problems: the aluminium, which is a neurotoxin, and L-hystidine, an amino acid that interferes with the brain’s defences against metal toxins. “Whichever part of the brain is affected by the toxin,” said Erickson, “that may lead to a different problem,” Erickson admitted that nobody knows why Gardasil would cause the wide range of adverse effects. “That’s why we are asking for a full investigation.”

Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead

The sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, just hours after receiving the HPV Gardasil vaccine has shocked the girl’s family, and sent local media out asking questions as to how this could happen.
Here is a report from WISN 12 News.

Dr. Geoffrey Swain of the local health department was interviewed to give the standard CDC reply, which is similar to almost every other vaccine, stating that severe reactions like this resulting in death are “very rare,” and about “1 out of a million”.

Assuming that there is some data to back up the claim of only “1 out of a million,” how many doses of the HPV vaccine are administered every year? According to the latest statistics (July 2014) published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services here (page 7), over 9 million per year. So the government admits that at least 9 girls per year are killed by the HPV vaccine. How many parents know this prior to taking a doctor’s advice to administer this vaccine that is supposedly a protection against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease?

Apparently, when the news broke that 12-year-old Meredith Prohaska died after receiving the HPV vaccine, at least one other parent contacted a local news station in the area to report she also had a serious adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine with her 17-year-old daughter, who needed urgent care at a local hospital. The local news affiliate asked the question: “So what are the odds another local girl had a similar reaction after getting the shot?”

Here is the report:

These local news media, possibly covering the HPV vaccine for the first time, were all quick to interview and provide links to the official CDC view of the vaccine. But here are some other facts regarding the vaccine that they failed to disclose, probably because they did not take the time to look outside of the standard government response to events like this, or their station managers did not allow them to give any other news outside of what the CDC claims.

1. There are many more reported side effects than just death from the HPV vaccine.

They include:

Premature menopause or infertility


Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. July 2013, American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Dr. Deirdre Little, a pediatrician in Australia, was the first one to sound the alarm over the HPV vaccine causing premature menopause when she observed it in one of her 16 year old patients in 2012.

Two sisters from Wisconsin say a cervical cancer vaccine shut down their ovaries and almost certainly left them unable to get pregnant
Narcolepsy and Autoimmune Disorders

See: Narcolepsy and Cataplexy after Gardasil?

Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), stroke, venous thromboembolism (VTE), appendicitis, seizures, syncope (fainting), and allergic reactions.

See: CDC HPV Vaccine Facts

2. Countries Outside the U.S. Are Halting HPV Vaccines: Lawsuits due to Damages are Mounting


Gardasil Vaccine: Spain Joins Growing List of Countries to File Criminal Complaints

Supreme Court in India to Rule on Merck Fraud Regarding HPV Vaccine Deaths

French Medical Professionals ask: Are HPV vaccines necessary?

Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time

Japan Halts HPV Vaccine and Begins Full-Scale Probe over Safety Issues

10 More Young Women File Criminal Complaints due to Injuries from Gardasil Vaccine in France

HPV Vaccine: Israel Health Ministry Considers Canceling Vaccination Due to Side Effects

3. You Cannot Sue the Manufacturer of Vaccines in the U.S. – They have total legal immunity

Most of the U.S. public is unaware that a U.S. citizen, by law, cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages resulting from vaccines.

Congress gave them total legal immunity in 1986, and that law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.

There is a special “vaccine court” called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded through a tax on vaccines. If you are injured or killed by a vaccine, you must hire an attorney and fight tax-funded government attorneys to seek damages, as you cannot sue the drug manufacturers. It can take 10 years or longer to win your case and be compensated. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services usually publishes a report every couple months on settlements on their website. Here is the latest one.

4. The U.S. Government Earns Royalties from the sale of the Gardasil HPV Vaccine.

Dr. Eric Suba tried to use the Freedom of Information Act to find out how much money the National Institute of Health (NIH) earned from the sale of Gardasil, but they refused to report the amount of revenue the government earns from this vaccine (although not denying they do earn royalties). Did you know that the government earns royalties from the sale of the Gardasil vaccine? Does your doctor promoting the HPV vaccine know this?

5. Julie Gerberding was in charge of the CDC the years the FDA approved Gardasil as a vaccine and is now the president of Merck’s Vaccine division, a $5 billion dollar a year operation

Julie Gerberding was in charge of the CDC from 2002 to 2009, which includes the years the FDA approved Gardasil as a vaccine. Soon after she took over the CDC, she reportedly completely overhauled the agency’s organizational structure, and many of the CDC’s senior scientists and leaders either left or announced plans to leave. Some have claimed that almost all of the replacements Julie Gerberding appointed had ties to the vaccine industry.

Gerberding resigned from the CDC on January 20, 2009, and is now the president of Merck’s Vaccine division, a 5 billion dollar a year operation, and the supplier of the largest number of vaccines the CDC recommends (article here).

6. Black Women who are Vaccinated with Gardasil are Vaccinated Against the Wrong Strains

Scientists at the Duke University School of Medicine discovered that African American women carry HPV strains not found in the Gardasil vaccine. Study here. Moshella Roberts, a 20-year-old African American woman died needlessly from the HPV vaccine.

Do your own research!

While it is encouraging to see local news affiliates report deaths and injuries due to the Gardasil vaccine, they need to do more research to present all of the facts, rather than just parroting what the CDC says. Of course to raise the issue of the “Gardasil controversy” could jeopardize your journalistic career, and force you into apologizing for suggesting the vaccine is anything but totally safe. Just ask Katie Couric.

Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret

By all accounts, our daughter was normal before receiving the HPV vaccine. Katie performed very well in school. She was conscientious, hard-working and took pride in getting good grades. She loved dancing having taken dance classes since she was 3 years old. Katie always danced and twirled throughout our home and anywhere else she happened to be. When Katie was 10, she joined cheerleading and became involved in competition cheerleading. She was very active, taking four hours of dance class every week plus spending many more hours practicing with her competition cheer team. Katie was healthy and vibrant.

We were very diligent with our children’s health. We never missed an annual check-up and we also followed the pediatrician’s recommended vaccine schedule including annual flu shots. Our pediatrician recommended the Gardasil vaccine. The Gardasil vaccine was heavily advertised on TV. We read the vaccine Disclosure. It said that the vaccine should not be given to those with HIV. Katie did not have HIV so we signed the Consent.

On September 2, 2010 at the age of 11, Katie received the first Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s first day of middle school was September 7, 2010. Initially, we believed that her fatigue and headaches were being caused by having to get up much earlier in the morning for middle school. However, she never adjusted to the new schedule and soon her symptoms began exploding.

Katie would often tell us “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t feel good.” She began sleeping a lot – over 12 hours a day and even more on the weekends, which would allow her to gather enough energy to go to school a few days before she crashed again. She missed days at school, dance lessons and cheer practices. Soon her illness was visible on the outside too. Katie didn’t look good – constant dark circles under her eyes, her skin color was ashen and she appeared listless.

To us, it seemed that her symptoms must be related to the Gardasil vaccine. Katie’s earliest symptoms began after receiving this vaccine.
We searched the internet but only found vague information – nothing that matched our daughter’s symptoms. We asked Katie’s pediatrician and other specialists if the Gardasil vaccine could be related to her symptoms but our inquiries were quickly dismissed as not having any correlation to her illness.

Katie’s earliest symptoms were a constant headache or migraine that did not respond to pain relievers, stabbing 24/7 bilateral ear pain, fatigue not relieved by sleep, abdominal pain, nausea and joint pain.
We called and visited her pediatrician repeatedly. We began taking Katie to specialists including Neurologists, ENT’s, GI, and an OBGYN and made several visits to the Emergency Room.

Katie also received many blood tests, CAT scans and an MRI. Nothing any of the doctors did relieved Katie’s symptoms. As a matter of fact, the drugs prescribed to alleviate her symptoms only made her feel worse.

Our pediatrician and other doctors involved with Katie’s care began suggesting that her illness was psychosomatic and recommended that we take her to a psychologist. We soon found that we were on our own, dealing with a medical issue we did not understand but trying desperately to help our daughter.

When searching the internet with Katie’s symptoms, Lyme disease would always come up as the search result. In addition to asking all of Katie’s doctors if the Gardasil vaccine was the cause of Katie’s illness, we also began asking if Lyme disease could be the culprit. In October 2010, Katie was first tested for Lyme disease. The results were negative as were two later rounds of testing. We read on the internet that ELISA and Western Blot tests for Lyme disease are unreliable and that many people who actually had Lyme disease tested negative. Since this information is all over the internet, we thought it was common knowledge to doctors as well.
Instead, we were emphatically told by doctor after doctor that this was not true, that the testing for Lyme disease is highly reliable and that there was no way Katie had Lyme disease.

In April 2011, Katie could no longer go to school or participate in dance or cheerleading – the pain and fatigue was all consuming. Nothing any of the doctors did provided any relief yet every doctor refused to consider Lyme disease or that the Gardasil vaccine was related to her illness.

Katie’s list of symptoms included the following: 24/7 headaches and migraines, 24/7 stabbing ear pain, hyperacusis, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, all over joint pain, constant sore throat, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, cognitive issues such as memory and severe comprehension problems, random numbness and tingling, weird “bug crawling” skin sensations, generalized weakness throughout her body (it was difficult for Katie to just sit in the shower to bathe), dizziness, fainting and heart palpitations. She slept long hours and stayed in her bedroom shielding herself from the noise of everyday living.

In May, we requested testing through a lab specializing in tick-borne disease testing. Katie’s pediatrician reluctantly signed the lab Requisition Form. This time the test results showed that Katie was highly positive for Bartonella Henselae, a tick-borne disease also known as a co-infection to Lyme disease. She was also highly positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia and the testing showed that her immune system was struggling. Katie’s Western Blot for Lyme disease was negative.

We took those results with us to a long awaited CHOP Diagnostic Center appointment (think the “Dr. House” of the Children’s Hospital) and also to her CHOP Neurologist. Katie even had the classic Bartonella rash (looks like purple and red stretch marks) surrounding her breasts and hips which is confirmation of an active Bartonella infection.

Both doctors told us that these test results only showed that Katie was “exposed” to Bartonella – it did not mean she had an active infection. Both came to the same conclusion that her Bartonella rash was actually just stretch marks. That was particularly hard for us to believe. Katie was muscular and lean from years of dance and cheer.

Neither doctor was concerned about her blazing Mycoplasma Pneumonia infection nor was the fact that the testing showed her immune system impaired.
Instead, CHOP Diagnostic Center diagnosed Katie with the beginning stages of Dysautonomia (a malfunctioning automatic nervous system). We were told that there was no cure and that symptoms were managed with medications.
The CHOP Neurologist wasn’t in agreement with CHOP Diagnostic Center; instead, she stuck to her prior diagnosis – Chronic Migraine Disorder with Chronic Ear Pain Neuralgia. The Neurologist recommended that we continue with the same treatment of 20 pills a day even though it did absolutely nothing for Katie other than increasing her nausea and head pain. We felt utter disbelief, despair and anger.

We found our way to a local support group for those suffering with tick-borne diseases, which provided recommendations to LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors). Katie’s first appointment with an LLMD was in June 2011. This physician spent an hour reviewing blood tests and other medical reports we collected and asked a lot of questions that had never been asked before.
He clinically diagnosed Katie with Lyme disease and agreed with the test results that reported active infections with Bartonella Henselae and Mycoplasma Pneumonia. He told us that Katie was very sick.
Ironically, upon hearing that news we felt utter relief. This was the first doctor, since Katie’s illness began over nine months before that acknowledged she was ill. Since that time, Katie was diagnosed with chronic Strep, HHV6, hypo-coagulation, susceptibility to bio-toxin illness (mold and environmental sensitivities) and has acquired autoimmune thyroid disease.

It has been three and a half years since Katie received the Gardasil vaccine and she still remains chronically ill.

She was unable to attend school in 7th and 8th grades. This year, Katie decided to repeat 8th grade again rather than begin high school still sick. Katie has an IEP plan in school which reduces her daily schedule to three core classes only.

Unfortunately, Katie is still too sick to attend school with any regularity. Most days, a teacher comes to our home to review the lessons she missed at school. Some days, Katie’s pain levels are too high so that she can’t even tolerate home tutoring. Although she longs to get back to dancing again, she spends most days in her room sleeping or resting and trying to cope with chronic pain. At 14 years old, Katie’s life closely resembles a sick elderly person instead of an active vibrant teenager she should be.

After Katie was finally diagnosed with tick-borne diseases, we put our initial suspicion about the Gardasil vaccine aside. Since the treatment of tick-borne diseases is considered emerging medicine, I am always combing the internet for new information on tick-borne diseases, the latest research or treatments.

To our utter disbelief, I came across an article reporting that the Gardasil vaccine can activate a latent Bartonella infection that was otherwise being suppressed by a properly functioning immune system prior to vaccination. We now believe our earliest suspicion was correct.

We found many stories about devastating health changes post-vaccine. These stories are eerily familiar to our daughter’s. The Gardasil vaccine is known to activate latent infections and viruses, such as Epstein Barr and Bartonella. The Gardasil vaccine deregulates the immune system and that allows latent infections and viruses, which were kept in check pre-vaccine by a then properly functioning immune system, to activate post-vaccine. Now, there is evidence that the HPV vaccine is linked to the onset of autoimmune diseases.

We recently consulted Katie’s LLMD and also her Primary Care Physician, who reviewed Katie’s vaccine log and extensive medical records. Both agree that Katie’s immune system was injured by the Gardasil vaccine and that it was the catalyst to her cascading health problems and chronic illness. Katie’s LLMD is now treating her for a vaccine injury in addition to treating multiple tick-borne diseases, other infections/viruses and autoimmune thyroid disease.

At this point, we are totally outside our insurance company and most everything is out-of-pocket. The overall expense of Katie’s illness greatly outpaces our income so many expenses are put on credit cards. But the biggest cost by far is the toll that the Gardasil vaccine has taken on our daughter’s health and well-being. We wonder if she will ever be able to reclaim her health and get back to living a normal life free of pain.

We deeply regret consenting to the Gardasil vaccine. We had no idea of the severe side effects some experience post vaccine. Every day, we wish we had been more informed. Parents beware of blindly following your doctor’s recommended vaccine schedule. Do not rely or expect your doctor to know everything. You must do your own research and ask plenty of questions. Our family found out the hard way that it is possible for a vaccine to have lasting and devastating effects.

Teenage girl dies five days after receiving HPV vaccine jab

A teenage girl died hours after being sent home from hospital diagnosed with a stomach bug.

Shazel Zaman, 13, received a cervical cancer jab five days earlier after which she started vomiting and suffering from dizziness and a severe headache. As her symptoms got worse she was taken to Bury's Fairfield Hospital.

Doctors told the teenager's family that they believed she might have a stomach bug and told them to bring her back to the hospital if her condition worsened, the Manchester Evening News reported. An hour later she was found unconscious with no pulse at her home in Bury. She was declared dead in the hospital around four hours later.

Shazel's family claims that a doctor dismissed that her condition was linked to the HPV vaccine jab and said she "came across as a lazy child" before sending her home. Pennine Acute NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has now launched an investigation into the standard of care Shazel received at the hospital.

Shazel’s family believe her death is linked directly to her having the vaccine.

Her sister, Maham Hussain, 19, told the Manchester Evening News: “She had the injection on the Wednesday. On Friday she was complaining of a sore arm - no swelling just redness.

“On the Saturday she complained of a severe headache, and by the evening she was throwing up. Come Sunday she was very pale, and my aunt took her to Fairfield.

“Whilst she was there she was in and out of consciousness. My aunt had to get a wheelchair for her.

“She had a blood test, and her heart rate checked, and everything was said to be normal.

“She was asked to provide a urine test and when my aunt took her to the toilet she fell to the floor, she was so drowsy.

"My aunt took her back to the doctor and that’s when the doctor made the comment that Shazel ‘came across as a lazy child’."

Shazel’s aunt, Saimah Naseem, who took her to Fairfield, said: “I was shocked. That was a horrible thing to say. One of the nurses also made the comment ‘she’s fine’.”

The teenager was given her second course of the HPV vaccine at Derby High School in Bury on April 13. She died on April 17.

Shahad's sister added: “I was at home when Shazel returned. She was in a really bad state. As soon as she came home my aunt put her to bed.

“My aunt gave her water so she wouldn’t dehydrate. My aunt and grandmother kept checking on her.

“An hour later she went blue. She had no pulse. The paramedics were here in seven minutes but she was not responding.

“At the hospital it was just the machines that were keeping her alive.”

The family said that following her death she underwent a CT scan and then paid £670 for an MRI scan at Oldham Royal Hospital.

Both tests were inconclusive and an autopsy has now been carried out. Results will not be available for several months.

“The family strongly believe that there is a link between her death and the vaccination," Ms Hussain told the Manchester newspaper:

“Before that she was perfectly normal, and active. Our own GP was really shocked that she had passed away. The reason we are speaking out is to raise awareness of what might happen.

“I don’t think the hospital took her seriously. If they had done more tests they could have picked something up.”

In a letter to the child’s mother, Rob Barrow, Assistant Directorate Manager at Pennine Acute NHS Trust said: “In line with national and Trust policy, we will be undertaking an investigation looking at the care and treatment of your daughter whilst under the care of the Trust.”

He added: “I know there are questions you may wish to raise to be considered as part of the investigation.”

In a statement Gill Harris, Chief Nurse at The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “Our thoughts are with the family and we offer them our sincere condolences for their tragic loss. We have started a full clinical review to examine the circumstances surrounding Shazel Zaman’s death to understand what happened following her attendance at our A&E department in April. We intend to share the findings from our review with the family, with the Coroner’s office, as well as with our own staff.”

Deputy Bury Coroner, Lisa Hashmi has also commenced an investigation but will assess evidence before deciding whether to have a full inquest if she deems Shazel’s death "unnatural".

"More than three million girls have been vaccinated so far in the UK with HPV vaccine, and tens of millions more have been vaccinated globally. As with all vaccines, safety remains under continual review, and HPV vaccine has a very good safety record," a spokesman for the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency told the Manchester Evening News.

“We are aware of the tragic death of a young girl, and our thoughts are with her family. As with any serious adverse events, we will establish the facts, but there has been no suggestion from safety monitoring so far that the vaccine has been responsible for any deaths.”

Since 2008, girls aged 12 and 13 in the UK have been routinely given a vaccination for the human papilloma virus (HPV) as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme. The vaccine protects from cervical and throat cancers as well as genital warts.

According to Cancer Research UK, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under the age of 35. In the UK, 2,900 women a year are diagnosed with cervical cancer, that's around eight women every day.